As I pulled into the parking lot for golf this morning,

I purposely parked next to an old Cadillac with a bumper sticker saying, '4 Americans Died, Hillary Lied', cuz I wanted to 'fix it', but the Deputy Dog lookin' driver was so slow getting ready I planned to wait til after my round (a 91 that shoulda been an 81), and use my Sharpie to cross out 4 and Hillary, and replace it with 'thousands cuz GW', so it would be more truthful and say, '1000's died cuz GW Lied'. BUT, the old fart's car was gone when I finished. I guess he just played 9
Too bad, I was REALLY looking forward to it, and was hoping he'd drive with it for a LONG time.
Maybe I can get him next week.....


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