Just to be fair,

I'll turn my blog over to a rightwingnut, so he can express his point of view.

No matter what, we can't allow Hillary to be president. Just remember what she did in BENGHAZI!, where she failed to protect 4 lives, cuz she SHOULD have foreseen the tragedy, although the Repubs drastically cut embassy security funding. AND, look at all the damage done by her 'private server'.
I know nothing has shown up yet, but if we keep up the witch hunt, investigations, I'm sure SOMETHING will show up. Two years is not nearly enough time. Just remember, Ken Starr didn't find the stained dress until the third year. Go Trey!
If Hillary is elected, I'm sure our economy will continue the crash it is in, with the stock market diving, home values cratering, interest rates skyrocketing, unemployment at historically high levels and world leaders hating us for all the 'Oops' wars going on. I know I laughed earlier, at the thought of a Trump candidacy, but he's our only hope of returning to the good old days of 2008, after our 8 years of being 'in charge'.
SO, please vote Republican, so The Donald can show is all what will happen if/when we turn our country's reins over to someone of his outstanding character and experience.
Remember, all truth comes from FOX news and a 'literal' Bible. Thank you, my fellow sheep, patriotic Americans


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