Just watched the Bill Maher show,

that I had recorded. He juxtaposed the comments of Repubs who opposed (with all their accurate insults) The Donald, and how they have flip-flopped. All the Pubs should be forced to watch and hear the rightwingnuts who now support someone who is TOTALLY unqualified and has no clue, BUT has an (R) after his name, so they wanna jump in the clown car. Insane, but SO Republican, as they express their dissatisfaction with the govt by tossing a grenade into the gunpowder.
Anyone who can look at the last 8 years and say, 'Yup we need The Donald in charge of the most powerful country in the world, is in need of therapy, cuz they don't live in the real world.
If you ever wondered about the power of Bullshit Mountain, just look at the Trump movement.
I always knew you couldn't 'misunderestimate' (GW's words) the FOXSheep, but this absolutely proves it.
The non-partisan (mostly Repub) Financial Channel claims a Trump presidency would cause a world-wide depression, even WORSE than GW and The Dick.did.
Don't you just love them Pubs? Neither do I....


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