Good article, that explains why NO ONE

predicted Trump, in a nutshell.
In short, Mr. Chait clearly states that the fundamental reason that no one (neither the GOP establishment nor the political pundits from every point on the political compass) could wrap their minds around the possibility that Trump could actually capture the GOP presidential nomination was simple:  No one had any idea that so many GOP voters were that stupid.
Why did almost everybody fail to predict Donald Trump’s victory in the Republican primaries? …. Here’s the factor I think everybody missed:  The Republican Party turns out to be filled with idiots.  Far more of them than anybody expected.
Trump is not “something new”, but merely the raw Id of the GOP fully unleashed after four decades of GOP pandering to the most racist, nativist and anti-intellectual instincts of the American people.

Joe McCarthy, Strom Thurmond, Pat Buchannan, “B-1 Bob” Dornan, James Watt, Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay, James Imhofe, Tom Coburn, Jim DeMint, Jan Brewer, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Scott Walker – even Saint Ronnie – have all blown loudly and long on the dog whistles of bigotry, greed, paranoia and xenophobia for decades – all to court The Lowest Common Denominator of the basest instincts of the American voter.  Donald Trump is simply the inevitable result.  Donald Trump IS the GOP.


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