I gotta admit, there was a time I liked Bernie,

and most of his ideas, although there is NO WAY our govt could afford to fund all his plans. Maybe some of them... And I'm the first to admit that HRC is a VERY flawed candidate, but she's our only defense against The Dark Side. To me, Bernie at this point is just a reincarnation of Ralph Nader, who gave us GW and the disaster that followed. You CAN'T win Bernie (Ralph), and you're just helping the Pubs. Someone please show me a PATH. I know you love the publicity and you have some good ideas, but pack it up and fight the real enemy, Ralph/Bernie. Can you imagine President Trump? Bernie (Ralph) could make it happen, and he's trying.... It's called EGO.
Am thinking some Christians are for Bernie, like some are for Trump, cuz they think it would hasten the apocalypse they are looking forward to. Who knows... It's the only thing that makes sense...


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