For the first time I can remember,

the Dems and Pubs have significant members of each party that are united in something. They don't like the status quo of the 2 main political parties, and I agree. Although the Dems and Pubs differ in some major areas, they are WAY too alike in many others. As one party gets voted out and the other takes over, not much really happens, of any value, as the Pubs esp have made obstruction an art, and politicians on both sides sell their souls to the highest bidders (esp after Citizens United (R) made it legal).
Now we have people screaming 'enough already' and are abandoning the main-stream 'same old shit' candidates. Unfortunately, they are forced to choose between The Donald and Bernie, and the divide could hardly be greater. A self-avowed Socialist, who never was a Dem, and Trump, who's not really a Repub, though he wants their support. 2016 may well be remembered as the year that a true 'Third Party' is born, that would truly represent the people, not the ruling elite.
Not sure what's gonna happen, but it continues to be interesting.


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