In a colossal waste of time and money,

the blatantly political circus(R) run by ringmaster/douchebag Trey Gowdy(R), turned two years old today.

Benghazi Committee Turns 2 Years Old, But Still Isn’t Done

It’s cost $20 million, and all we know is Hillary Clinton used her own email server.

 05/08/2016 08:03 am ET
But so far, it’s reached no conclusions about the attacks, after every other investigation found a number of failures, but no signs of wrongdoing.

The same a**holes who had No Problem with W's 'Oops, No WMD's war, are still like a bunch of mongrels fighting over a bone, trying to find SOMETHING to tar Hillary with, while anyone with a brain can see them for who/what they. A bunch of partisan hacks desperately trying to tarnish Hillary politically, although 40 investigations/hearings have turned up NOTHING even remotely prosecutable, BUT they act like HRC's 'private server', totally legal at the time and used by MANY Repubs is a hanging offense, and the sheep eat it up.
“Two years and millions of dollars later, Republicans have lost any semblance of credibility as they continue to drag this out as close as they can to the election,” Cummings said, and most agree, but HEY, they gotta bitch about SOMETHING.
Even Trump weighed in on it saying:
Trump called the committee “a total disaster” that “was not good for Republicans and for the country.” He also tweeted that Gowdy “failed miserably on Benghazi,” and called him “Benghazi loser Gowdy.”
Don't you love them stupid Republicans? What a joke....


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