The Pubs say The Donald is the lesser of two evils,

cuz Hillary would be a 'DISASTER', by following Obama's policies. Oh really? They don't remember 2008 after the 'reign of error', by GW(R)? Their own 'misery index' to measure effects of govt policies on the average citizen is the best EVER, with low energy prices, low interest rates, low unemployment, near record high stock markets,increasing home values, no stupid wars raging, though we are still cleaning up the Mid East fiasco(R) and our prez can travel anywhere in the world without worrying about being arrested as a War Criminal. True, things aren't perfect, and they NEVER ARE, but we are SO much better off than 2008, after the Repub debacle, it's not even close, no matter what FOX/PARP and the Pub candidates want the sheep to believe, as they preach Hillary should be crucified for BENGHAZI!, but the 'Oops No WMD's war was no big deal, cuz 'Hey, he got some bad info'.
Nothing new here, but what a bunch of idiots....


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