Fantastic article, R.I.P. GOP,

in the new Rolling Stone mag, by my fave author, Matt Taibbi. While everyone is either laughing(D) or crying(R) as the Pubs are trying to unite(?) behind The Donald, Matt explains, with his typical sharp-edged wit, why the modern(?) GOP is toast. Boo Hoo. Good riddance to the party of the 1% and the FOXSheep who support them. Let me para-phrase (with more than a few comments of my own) a bit of Matt's article. I'm sure he won't mind.

Now it's on to Cleveland for the Yuuugest, most obscene and tackily joyful tribute, since the Roman circuses. A Liberace meets Stalin, brokered by Vince McMahon fiasco, dedicated to the person who single-handedly destroyed a political party. Not that it didn't deserve/need to be destroyed. It's just funny HOW it happened, as the last two candidates remaining fought over who was 'less connected' to the party that led the country into a war based on lies and nearly totally destroyed the economy, as it's last prez left office with a 22% approval rating. Yeah, we need THEM back in charge, as they bitch about the black guy in the White House who has well over 50%.
The craziest part of the whole thing? Considering the intelligence of the average voter, 'they might just win', after the Koch bros-financed Tea Party whack-jobs have purged the party of all moderates. The people running the current version of the GOP are the mean, traitorous scum, who, in the military, are bayoneted by their own troops, and this is what is happening to the Pub brass. Too bad, so sad, as the people who thought Iran-Contra and the 'Oops, No WMD's' fiasco was no big deal, BUT would grind the govt to a halt over a blowjob or Terri Schiavo's feeding tube, were in charge of the debacle. Now, after Slimy McSlimeface's cat fart of a surrender, the party's brain trust has begun the Soviet-like process of coalescing around the once-despised new ruler. The first rule of any revolution is to wipe out the intellectuals, which the Pubs have systematically done, within their party, labeling any climate-change believer (97% of Climatologists) as a liberal nut job, and denigrating any school of higher learning as a liberal snake pit, the clowns of Bullshit Mountain dispense the official talking points, and 'approved' gospel, regurgitated by their preachers.
After clearly creating their own orange-skinned Frankenstein's monster, it was laughable as they blamed everything from the media and the poor 'education system', while The Donald thanked the 'ill-educated' for his victories, to their fave target, the Liberals, though they never showed the 'evidence'. They then tried to create a balm for the eventual 'butt-hurt' that awaits the soon to be 'ex-elite' of the Repub party, who have no have no connection to the gun-toting, Jesus loving actual voters, who got moist at the sight of flag-draped clowns who speak of God, guns and small town values, while promising to kick the asses of liberals and foreigners, but sold out the middle class as soon as they were elected, and went on to become lobbyists for the most bloated military the world has ever known.
This gave rise to the quintessential con man, schooled on Southern preacher platitudes, while being culled from Harvard and Princeton, to smooth talk the yokels, accepting money from a 6 year old's lemonade stand, cuz the kid hated liberals. Oh really? Then, the anti-immigrant immigrant called a b-ball hoop a 'ring' in Indiana, of all places, and his act started to unravel, so he reached to Carly, for VP, cuz she is SO well liked and talented, before assaulting his wife with a bump and punch on stage,  while the eventual Pub winner claimed Slimy McSlimeface was the Zodiac Killer, and son of JFK's murderer. The sheep ate it up, and Slimy asked Gawd to blayess everyone, who voted for him.
Of course, Trump is more likely than not to crash the car now that he has the wheel, but Dems shouldn't gloat. Bernie's popularity shows the insurrection has begun on their side also, as voters realize that politicians can't continue to take money from Big Business, who has No Problem with shipping jobs overseas, while claiming to represent the working class. For now, R.I.P. GOP, and good riddance, but just maybe, the revolution has begun.


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