The clowns at the Fair and Balanced network

claim Hillary lied about her private server when she said it was legal at the time, which it WAS. Colin Powell(R) also used one, as did and do several Repubs, BUT, BS Mountain reports that IF the proper agency(?) had been consulted, they would have ruled against it, SO, HRC is obviously a liar and should be prosecuted and jailed.
Nothing new here, same old bullshit from the bullshitters, as the sheep gleefully hope The Donald gets a free run at the White House. Can you say idiots?
In other FOX (news?), they are bitchin' cuz Obama mentioned 'concerns' from other world leaders, as their MAIN topic of discussion is, 'WTF is going on with the Pubs and Donald Trump', and they are rightfully worried/scared. But the FOX clowns say the 'soon to be EX prez' shouldn't be making things worse for the next prez. And this makes sense to the sheep? Unbelievable but SO FOX/PARP....


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