I realize Hillary isn't all that likeable,

but when voters are asked 'Why?', they nearly unanimously reply 'Benghazi' and 'private server', BUT when asked for specifics on those subjects they can't really come up with anything other than the FOX talking points of general dishonesty, which Bullshit Mountain/PARP has unceasingly HAMMERED into the mushy brains of the sheeple, for months. Their other main problem with her is the fact that she voted FOR the Iraq war, cuz she made the stupid mistake of actually believing the cherry-picked info and outright lies of the Bush administration who were the only ones to have access to the intelligence of the time, and decided to lie about it. I admit, that was a HUGE mistake on her part, actually believing the cowboy conman and The Dick.
I would be more worried about the chances of The Donald actually being the prez, if we weren't so far away from November, with several debates in the interim, and the Dem attack dogs having the chance to dig up a LOT of crap on Trump. Seeing and hearing the skeletons in HIS closet oughta be REALLY funny/interesting.
Bottom line, even to the low info/intelligence sheep, it oughta be pretty obvious by November. If not, it oughta be REALLY interesting, as 'we get the govt we deserve', and it's impossible to 'misunderestimate' (GW's word) the intelligence of the masses. (FOX #1!)
The scariest thing? Bernie seems to be channeling Ralph Nader, as he has ZERO chance of being the nominee, but his EGO is driving him on, much to the jubilation of the Pubs, and we can all remember how Ralph gave us GW, and all the shit hit the fan.....


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