Texas is a REAL 'special' place,
where the city of Allen has a $60 MILLION high school football stadium, SO, McKinney, a few miles away, is building a bigger, more expensive home field, while actual education takes a back seat, and HS football teams take jets across the state for games. Texas, the state that gives us Big Oil presidents, who find a way to pay for their high school football, by raising the price of oil from $14 to over $140/bbl, and become local heroes, as the rest of us pay for it. Read 'Texasville' or the original 'Friday Night Lights', to see how much the Texans wanted/needed another war after GHW's first war raised the price of oil and they all got new Cadillacs and pick-em-up trucks. (Written BEFORE GW's war).
Don't you just love Repub politics?
Me neither....
Don't you just love Repub politics?
Me neither....