Depending on whose numbers you believe,

from 84% to 90% of the American people think the DACA people should be allowed to stay in the US. Aside from humanitarian reason, we've already paid to educate them and we need the labor. Both sides of the aisle overwhelmingly agree, which is AMAZING in this day and age.
SOOO, what does the Orange Clown do? He says OK, we'll allow the will of the people IF, we do something the majority of the people DON'T want to do, as in 'Pay For His Wall'.
Yup, extortion is how Dotard and Repub henchmen work, and the sheep who swallow the FOX/PUB (one and the same) line, can't see the obvious.
Just like their stupid-ass 'memo'. It wasn't 'discovered', it was created by Devon Nunes, and simply shows the FBI doing it's job, and believing a totally believable career British MI6 agent, who had PROOF of the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians.
Who can't see what's SO obvious?
Oh yeah, the sheep. Never mind. The same sheep who react to the latest damaging news by sticking their heads FURTHER up their asses.
You'd think their shoulders would eventually stop them....


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