Let's hear it for Ellen Maresh, who wrote to the Denver Post

I finally have to write in response to the news of Donald Trump’s most recent departure from all that is decent and honorable in the world. It isn’t enough to reject every civil and moral precept, but this “president” has found ways to demean every institution Americans hold dear. Openly depicting his “grabbing” women by their genitals, then saying what we saw was not so, and gleefully and deliberately sabotaging every federal agency he can get his hands on by appointing individuals who have nothing but disregard for them, and debasing the presidency itself. This was not enough. Now, Trump is willing to throw the FBI, the CIA, and all of the U.S. intelligence services to the whims of his narcissism. Where is any Republican spine? Once, we had principled disagreement. Gone.
Ellen Maresh, Denver


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