Proving, AGAIN, what a total dipshit he is, Trump

is taking on the FBI and Dept of Justice, saying they were/are 'out to get him', although those in charge are all Pubs.
Well, I think he's HALF right, which is better than he usually does. If they weren't before, they are now.
Hmmmm, someone's gonna be left standing, when this entire Dotard Fiasco is over. And it's not gonna be the Orange Clown.
Wow, talk about people you DON'T wanna piss off.
Just think about the resources of  the FBI. Okay, the Liar in Chief is in charge (sorta) now, BUT, after a year or so of going against the FBI and the DOJ, with a YUUUGE number of your OWN party against you, at least 2/3 of the American people and about 99% of the world, HMMMM, I wonder what's gonna happen. I'm betting on the SMART ones., instead of the one that's 'you know, like really smart', a 'stable genius'.
I can hardly wait, to see the turd get flushed.
Like I've said, but have a hard time doing, JUST BE PATIENT....


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