We all know Trump is firmly in the crosshaors

of Robert Mueller(R) in his 'obstruction of justice' investigation. I can see no reason why Devon Nunes(A-hole) shouldn't also be included. He not only released a document that the FBI and DOJ said SHOULDN'T be released, but he carefully 'cherry picked' the info to release and then 'doctored' (changed) what was in the original memo.
I know the Pubs are political crooks, but you gotta draw the line SOMEWHERE, and this is a great place to start.
to borrow a phrase from the traitors(R), LOCK THEM UP, LOCK THEM UP!
Remember when the FBI and DOJ were the 'friends' of the Pubs and Russia was an enemy?
That was before FOXNews and Dotard 'highjacked' the FACTS.....


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