After blowing off the WWI veterans graveside ceremony, cuz it wa raining,

then blowing off Veteran’ Day services at Arlington, cuz he was ‘busy on the phone’, then blowing off the guy in charge of getting Saddam and Bin Laden, calling him a ‘Clinton supporter’, some vets are getting their fill of Capt Bonespurs.
Even Chris Wallace at FOX, Dotard’s State Media, called out the Liar in Chief, for his disrespect of the military.
Will such disrespectful behavior matter to the clueless sheep?
Who knows, even the most ignorant among us, the 1/3 who don’t give a shit about anything other than (R) after his name might grow some balls and admit what an a-hole the LYING, Russian backed Pussy Grabber actually is.

HA. Just kidding....

Have you not noticed the crap the Bullshit Mountain morons will swallow?
Sorta like.............................. Fill in your own punchline.
You know what the clueless, FOXCrap swallowing, spineless jellyfish are like, as well as I do, as they(R) swallow the ‘agenda driven crap’ from FOX, like it was legitimate news.
They swallow FOXLies like____________________________________________. (C’mon, us your imagination). Who/what SWALLOWS Repub propaganda like a FOXNews moron?
Think about it.......


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