Trump has several nicknames, but me personal faves are Dotard, The Orange Clown and The Liar in Chief.

He has a new label in the news, though, after the indictments came out.
He is now known in legal circles as “Individual One’, as those around him are investigated, indicted and sent to prison.
Hmmm, Individual One is gonna have some ‘splainin’ to do’, as Ricky Ricardo would say.
Maybe time to get out of the market, cuz I can’t imagine most stocks are gonna do to well as Individual One is measured for an orange jump suit, that will probably clash with his orange spray-on face.....
Maybe we’ll finally see hiis taxes, at his trial.
The only question is what the charges will be. Lying to Congress/Special Prosecutor, Conspiracy to Commit Treason, Obstruction of Justice?
And the BIG question, WHEN?
Maybe time to sell some stocks/mutual funds?
The joy of seeing the a-hole in an orange jump suit will be somewhat tempered if I lose a bundle when it happens, BUT, overall, ‘twill be a good day, and even better if I ‘get out’ in time, but not the time YET.
If Dotard makes a deal with ‘Jina’, the market will go WAY up, but they aren’t falling for his bullshit head fakes any more. I hate to think how much his crappy tariffs have cost the world markets, but it’s probably a trillion or so.
Thanks, clown....


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