If you have any doubt, that Dotard is totally insane, just look at HIS, yup, it’s up to HIM, for Presidential Medals of Freedom

Included in this motley crew, in no particular order, are Elvis and Babe Ruth, Orrin Hatch (WTF?), Sheldon Adelson’s wife (double WTF?), Alan Paige and a couple of others.
Like I said, IF you had any doubt that the Liar in Chief is a total whack job, just look at his list, AND.....WTF is wrong with you?

Just heard a great quote, from Ghandi.
“I like your Christ, I just don’t like your Christians’.

AND, we’ve all seen the pic of Dotard, on his last trip, when Vlad Putin walked in, with Macron and Merkel doing ‘dead face’, while the Orange Clown has a YUUUUGE smile on his face., the only one of the trip...
The pic is even better when you hear the back-song. ‘My Boyfriend’s Back’.....

In another WTF moment, Betsy DeVoss, the most unqualified in a YUUUGE number of unqualified Cab members REFUSED to cancel the student loan debt of those who went to ‘for profit’colleges who have been shut down for fraud, cuz her buddies are ‘those people’.
OMG! Can you get WORSE than that?


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