What’s OBVIOUS to anyone with a functioning brain, FOXNews sheep obviously excluded, that an innocent man would have no problem answering questions about Russian collusion. IF you didn’t do it, tell the truth and move on, BUT, that is obviously not the case with Putin’s buddy in the White House.

After months of torturous negotiation, his YUUUUGE legal team agreed to a small list of questions and NOW the Liar in CHief is going ballistic about having to answer them and his lawyers are calling them a ‘perjury trap’.
Oh really?
Mayb e just try telling the truth, but that won’t work, cuz the LYIING jerk is guilty if he tell the truth and guilty if/when he LIES.
No wonder Dotard is so pissed off at everyone and everything as he sees the indictments coming, and probably for his family..
Don’t you just love good ol’ American justice? Esp when it catches a guilty SOB installed by the Russians to head OUR country.
I know the rightwingnuts don’t give a shit, but to us true Patriots, it’s a YUUUUUGE deal and I hope the guilty bastard ends up in prison.

Trump's temper apparently boiled over after meetings on three successive days between the President and his lawyers as they work out written answers for Mueller about alleged collusion between his campaign and Russia in the 2016 campaign.
Giuliani's striking complaint about a perjury trap appears to raise the question of why he might be worried about such an issue -- if the President were simply to tell the truth, in answers that will be scrubbed by his legal advisers.

Hmmmm. I wonder why he has a problem, with the truth????
If every criminal had the Liar iin Chief’s legal team, we wouldn’t need a prison system. They’d all be free, to commit MORE crimes, like Dotard....
But the FOXSheep have no problem swallowing his LIES, like a shot of tequila, after the salt and lime.


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