With all the Trump-caused bullshit going on, guess what FOXCrap has for it’s #1 Lead Story?

Yup, it’s a re-hash of the Monica and Bill Clinton story, with some Hillary bashing thrown in and the clever(?) title, ‘A Thong Going On’.
You can’t make this stuff up, but FOX does.....
AND, the clowns had a quickie review of Michelle Obama’s new book, ‘Becoming’.
An unforgiving black woman, ‘cashing in on Trashing Trump’.
Yup, she’s just in it for the money and if she doesn’t like Dotard, rising to political prominence among the racist Repubs for his ‘birther’ bullshit, then she’s just a poor loser.

And FOX has basically NOTHING about the worst forest fire in CA history, cuz, you know, it’s their own fault for ‘forest mismanagement’, (and they’re Dems, so they obviously deserve it), BUT, I did see one article about the fire, and it truly warmed the hearts of propaganda crew of Bullshit Mountain. Yup, amid all the death and destruction, that the clowns ignore, they found a story, about an.........American FLAG!
Praise Gawd!

American flag discovered in Camp Fire ruins in California

Screw FOX and ignorant sheep who keep them in business.....


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