No matter WHAT Dotard says and does, the gullible FOXSheep always say,’ Yeah, but look at the markets.’

OK, I’m looking, as they’ve erased all, and then some, of 2018’s gains, mostly because of his dumb-ass tariffs, which have also wrecked world markets.
And, I see him attacking another war hero, ‘cuz he didn’t find Bin Laden soon enough’. The ignorant jerk doesn’t realize that wasn’t McRaven’s job, AND, like McCain, Dotard is picking on a dying, cancer-ridden vet.
This, after avoiding the WWI, US Soldier Graveyard, cuz it was raining, and being ‘too busy’ to visit Arlington on Vet’s Day, and being the first prez not to visit troops in a war zone. Aides say he’s afraid he’d be killed, ‘cuz ‘so many people hate him’.
Good job, Capt Bonespurs!
Can you imagine the ‘Self-Righteous OUTRAGE’ from the sheep if Obama had done ANY of that?
But that’s different......

Did you hear the Orange CLown stand in front of the wreckage in Paradise, CA, and repeatedly call it Pleasure, instead of Paradise? The a-hole then answered, when asked if his views on Climate Change had changed, after seeing the devastation, and the Liar in Chief said,
‘No, I have very strong opinions, I want great climate!’
Does any of this matter to the gullible minions who’d back a Golden Retriver for prez if he had (R) after his name? (BTW, they(R) elected a dead pimp in NV). NOOO, of course not.
As Dotard himself said, “I could shoot someone in Times Square, and it wouldn’t matter’.

Wow, the clueless gullible minions must be SO proud as their Russian-backed boy insults dying military heroes and is in the process of wrecking our semi-fragile economy.

But, it doesn’t matter, cuz the NYC conman(R) is a Christian, like them(R).....


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