As we vilify Trump, rightfully so, let’s not call him the ‘worst ever’.

As terrible is Dotard is, in SO many ways, he still doesn’t compare with GW and The Dick, who LIED us into their, ‘Oops No WMD’s war’, that created the refugee mess in Europe, filled our VA hospitals and homeless shelters with countless PTSD victims an cost TRILLIONS of dollars the COULD have been spent on Health Care.
Yup, as we see a smiling G Dub we forget the absolute disaster of his presidency(R), that not only wrecked the Middle East, for oil profits, but also trashed our own economy.
Remember when your home and investments lost half their value?
It took Obama and the Dems MANY years to fix the Pub-caused problems, now we have an even more reckless, incompetent asshole in the White House, thanks to FOX and the gullible Repub voters.
At least we’ll have a chance to see HOW it happened, with the new movie ‘Vice’, which details The Dick hijacking the presidency to build his own power and wealth, through Haliburton, his oil company that made a FORTUNE from the ten-fold spike in oil AND got tens of billions in govt contracts, mostly NO-BID, to further line his/their pockets.
I can’t wait to see the movie, showing what I have been preaching for years.
Sure, the current Liar in Chief and his incompetent minions are HORRIBLE, but a least they haven’t done the damage that GW and The Dick(R) did. YET!


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