In another example of outright LYING, Dotard claims the CIA says, ‘Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t, when referring to MBS being involved in the killing of the Wapo journalist.

Are you shittin’ me?

The CIA concluded that the crown prince of Saudi Arabia was directly involved in the assassination of Khashoggi. They did it, as has been reported to the press, with high confidence, which is the highest level of accuracy that they will vouch for. It’s based on facts. It’s based on analysis. The notion that they didn’t reach a conclusion is just unsubstantiated. The CIA has made that clear.”

SOOOO, who’s fault is it, according to the Liar in Chief?

Asked who should be held accountable for the killing, Trump answered, “Maybe the world should be held accountable because the world is a very, very vicious place.” 

This, from FOX/DOtard.
And you wonder WHY the Sheep are so ignorant/uninformed?


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