Coincidence in the ‘Timeline’?

June 7: Trump announces ‘Major Speech’ on Hillary Clinton
June 9: Trump Tower meeting with Russians
June 12: Wikileaks leaks Hilary E-mails

And the Liar in Chief denies all knowledge of EVERYTHING, incl all meetings with Russians, although SIX, (so far) of his staff have been indicted for LYING about Russian connections/meetings.

Remember, Bill Clinton didn’t have impeachment proceedings begun for getting a BJ, but the process was begun by the huypocritical sleazeball, Lindsay Graham(R), for LYING.

BTW, did everyone notice that after the pic of the G-20 leaders, today, ALL the world leaders around Trump turned and walked away from him, speaking with ANYONE but him. He stood alone for a while then walked off the stage.
Hmmm, anyone wonder WHY?
Maybe they hate the a-hole, like 2/3 of the US?


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