When you look at the OBVIOUS evidence, (but you gotta remove your head from your ass), we can all see Dotard’s buddies, Roger Stone and Corsi hooked up with Wiki-Leaks to elect Dotard, with the help of Russia.

And if you can’t see something SO obvious, then truth doesn’t matter. In other words, a FOXSheep.
Nothing new here...
AS IF the Russians didn’t collude to put the Pussy Grabber iin the White House...
If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand.
I take that back....
The gullible minions understand, they just don’t give a shit.
Hillary MIGHT have been compromised with a Private Server?
Dotard was elected with Russian help. NO PROBLEM. (Ever wonder WHY they wanted HIM?)
At least he didn’t have a private server, though his daughter does....
AS IF you can use logic/rationality on the morons(R), whose MAIN argument is, ‘But the market is SO good!’.
DUH, Dotard got a GREAT economy, goosed it with an idiotic tax cut, and cutting regulations that protect us (Dotard KILLED the Consumer Protection Act, and Clean Air and Water rules), and still we lost ALL of 2018’s gains.
Bottom line, ‘how stupid you gotta be?’ to swallow FOX/Pub Propaganda Crap?
Never mind, ‘typical FOXSheep’ is exactly ‘how stupid’ you gotta be, which is REALLY gullible.....

Using LOGIC on these people(R)? HA!

It’s like humans went BACKWARD on the evolutionary path and decided, ‘Never mind, I’ll believe in a LITERAL Bible, swallow FOXCrap and vote for my Christian brother, Russia-backed LIAR, Donald Trump.’
You can’t argue/discuss with this mentality/gullibility, but you can wonder what happened to their brains....


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