Anyone with a functioning brain can see that Dotard is a Pathological LIAR.

 The YUUUGE difference between the 1/3 (FOXSheep) and the rest of us, (make that 90+% in the WORLD) is that some of us CARE, unlike th FOXSheep, where LIES don’t matter.
THey don’t know or they don’t care?
Does it matter?
He’s a total LIAR, and he’s done it thousands of times.
Who could NOT CARE?
Oh yeah, the FOXSheep, who swallow FOX/Trump LIES like pet snakes swallow mice.
Like the snake, and Dotard, they’re just ‘them being them’, but WTF is with the sheep who swallow his LIES?
No Problem for the crowd who gets their ‘news’ from Roger Ailes Propaganda Network.


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