Although I can’t stand him Karl Rove is a political genius.

He correctly identified the gullible ‘Bible Belt’ as a force that VOTED and he bent the Repub message to them, although the Pubs laughed at them behind their backs.
It worked, for Rove and GW, and they got the ‘Christian Coalition’ to vote solidly Repub, no matter what.
Even when a heathen barbarian like Donald Trump leads the party.
He said he was a Christian and he supported their causes and beliefs, so who cares if he was a NYC conman, supported by the Russians, who screws porn stars, grabs pussy, alienates our allies, appoints INCOMPETENTS to his Cabinet, and LIES constantly.
That being said, Karl Rove is a man to be listened to, and he’s talking.

"We've got to be worried about what's happening in the suburbs. We get wiped out in the Dallas suburbs, Houston suburbs, Chicago suburbs, Denver suburbs — you know there's a pattern — Detroit suburbs, Minneapolis suburbs, Orange County, California, suburbs. When we start to lose in the suburbs, it says something to us. We can't replace all of those people by simply picking up (Minnesota's First Congressional District) — farm country and the Iron range of Minnesota — because, frankly, there's more growth in suburban areas than there is in rural areas."

Rove is exactly 100% right.
As bad as Dotard is, his and the Pub days are numbered. They are on the wrong side of every demographic, incl science and education, suburbia, women, young people and immigrants.
Screw the Pubs and the gullible sheep they rode in on. 
Just be patient and Go For It, Robert Mueller. Take out the Russian-backed, LYING Pussy Grabber. America survived GW and the Dick. We can survive Dotard.


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