
Showing posts from March, 2019

Lotta good lines from Bill Maher tonight, but one of my faves is...

Trump claiming that he is ‘EXONERATED’ cuz they couldn’t find a ‘smocking gun’ as per his collusion with the Russians, although ALL the US Intel said he DID......... Dotard claiming that he is EXONAERATED from the TINY amount of Mueller’s report that we heard from HIS LACKEY, is like a slut finding out she’s not pregnant, and claiming, ‘I’m a VIRGIN’, and the ignorant sheep SWALLOWING IT, like they always do. Perfect, Bill, thank you..... Think about it, gullible minions, until it hurts your head too much..... I’m not proven pregnant, SOOO, I’m a VIRGIN..... AND, the Pubs didn’t allow the Liar in Chief to to testify, CUZ, he couldn’t stop LYING, soooo, it would be a ‘perjury trap’. Are You Shittin’ Me? Only in the swamp of Repub politics could bullshit like that stand. Same old shit, Bullshit vs truth......

There’s a BUNCH of rightwingnut ‘truthtwisters ‘out there’ and MOST of them work at Bullshit Mountain, but not all. Alex Jones is one of the worst, which says a LOT in the crowd he hangs with.

Yup, rightwingnut LIAR, from InfoWars, who spews rightwingnut bullshit, day after day, to those low IQ minions who love that kinda crap, is having his day in court today. Yup, the professional LIAR, who was called by Dotard, on his Inauguration Day, and thanked profusely for all his help (with the ‘uneducated’ which Doatrd called his ‘favorites’). Hmmmm, I wonder why? Anyway, Big Mouth Alex is being sued by the parents of the kids killed in the Sandy Hook massacre, where a nut job with an assault rifle (Fave weapon of the NRA) shot up a grade school, killing six first graders. Welllll, Alex claimed the shooting was all a Liberal HOAX, much like most the rightwingnuts categorize ‘climate change’, and now he’s in court, claiming he doesn’t remember it, cuz he has a ‘psychosis’, (that hasn’t been diagnosed), from listening to Fake News. (Too much FOX?) Oughta be fun to watch as this loudmouth rightwing ‘hero’, gets his ass handed to him, like he did when his children were taken from...

All the gullible minions jumped on Dotard’s bandwagon as he bellowed about economic VICTORY, claiming YUUUUGE GDP growth after he inherited a GREAT economy (remember the Repub depression that Obama inherited?), and greased the wheels by trashing rules and regs designed to protect us, AND, passed a totally unpaid for Tax Cut for the 1%.

Now the facts and figures are in for the Gross Domestic Product in 2018. Well, the Liar in Chief’s promise of 4 to 5% growth fell a bit short, as in TWO POINT TWO per cent, for the year. Yup, even with the artificial steroids of a tax break for the undeserving, that perennial Repub LIE about ‘trickle down’ economics is proven to be Total Bullshit, AGAIN. Even while the economy is doing SO GREAT, according to the wind bag in the White House, we are running a YUUUUGE, over TRILLION $ deficit, as our debt surges the most in one year EVER. Guess what’s gonna happen when we have the CERTAIN TO COME, slowdown? When the payment on the debt runs to nearly HALF of all the country’s income? It’s not IF, but WHEN, the fake Trump economy gets swept to the ditch and income doesn’t come CLOSE to outgo. Same old Repub bullshit, claim ‘fiscal responsibility’while WRECKING the nation’s ‘books’. Stay tuned, it’s gonna be interesting when the wheels fall off and reality rears it’s ugly head........

Proving their total incompetence, AGAIN, the Pubs are pushing to kill all parts of the Affordable Care Act, with NOTHNG to replace it with.

These jerks(R) have had NINE YEARS to come up with the other half of their ‘Repeal and Replace’ crap, and they have ‘diddly squat’. BUT, that doesn’t stop them from rushing headlong into the ‘Repeal’ half of their incompetent folly. MILLIONS of Americans, incl the same gullible Pubs who love their ACA, but hate Obamacare, (yup, millions of THEM) are set to be left with ZERO health care if the health care killing jerks(R) get their way. Yup, the same jerks who spend TRILLIONS on unnecessary WARS and the most bloated military in the world, but deny the citizens of the most prosperous country in the world, the same health care the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Bottom line, if I gotta explain it, you wouldn’t understand it, inside your MAGA capped, FOXSwallowing empty cranium.

After hearing a TINY portion of Mueller’s report, hand-picked by Dotard’s hand-picked AG, the Pubs are declaring TOTAL VICTORY, esp the ‘shit-slingers’ at Bullshit Mountain.

Yup, they’re calling the head of US Intelligence, Adm Schiff ‘an unhinged rumor monger’, cuz he believed ALL of the US Intel agencies that Russia interfered for the Liar in Chief, and he believed that cuz Dotard’s Sec of Def, personal lawyer, campaign mgr and dozens of others were indicted and/or serving prison terms for meeting with the Russians, AND LYING ABOUT IT, that i was his job to pursue the TRUTH. A totally foreign concept for the shit slingers at FOX, the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party. Now, these jerks are doing victory laps, like Dotard himself at a ‘Rally’ in Wisconsin, where his minions couldn’t care less if he colluded with Russia, as 90%(R) admitted before the results were in. Speaking of results, over a week after Mueller released the report, Dotard’s boy, Wm Barr is sitting on the report, just giving us his short, condensed version of two years worth of investigations, and we’re supposed to swallow it, like the ignorant do? HA! Click on article below, from ri...

Great ‘Letter to the Editor’ in today’s Denver Post, that even an ignorant, gullible FOXSheep should be able to comprehend.

I agree with Trump when he says that no future president should unnecessarily be faced with a Mueller type of special investigation. There are, however, several simple steps that future presidents can take in order to prevent this from occurring. • Don’t fire your FBI director because he is investigating Russian influence on our elections and he won’t pledge his loyalty to you. • Don’t meet with Russian diplomats the next day and tell them, according to The New York Times, that the heat is off. • Don’t try to remove Russian sanctions or refuse to impose those ordered by Congress • Don’t conduct undocumented, private, secret meetings with the Russians. • Don’t allow your son and campaign chairman to meet with the Russians in order to obtain dirt on your political opponent. Then don’t write a phony letter explaining that the meeting was actually to discuss adopting Russian children. • Don’t fire your AG because he recuses himself from a Russian investigation. • Don’t tel...

In case anyone needed to be reminded, Dotard proved, again, what an ignorant SOB he actually is, as he ranted against renewable energy, cuz ‘he’s a coal guy’. Yup, coal, that expensive, polluter of the air and water.

The clueless jerk(R) claimed wind energy is worthless, cuz ‘the wind doesn’t always blow, SO, you can forget about TV i windless nights. And his asinine, gullible minions cheered on the fat-assed Liar in Chief. Meanwhile, the Pubs jumped all over AOC, cuz she called the three ‘branches’ of govt, the three chambers,and DJTJ whipped the clueless sheep into a frenzy with an ‘AOC Sucks’ chant. Trump also insisted Thursday evening at a rally in Michigan that he “ knows a lot about wind . If it doesn’t blow, you can forget about television for that night,” he said. Wind  energy  can be  stored in a variety of ways , including in something called batteries. Most power grids combine energy provided by different sources — as the  Trump administration ’s  own Energy Department explains  on its website for anyone who cares to look. “The wind does not always blow and the sun doesn’t always shine,” the site helpfully notes. Yet the power grid “can accommodate l...

The clueless, LYING Pubs love to say, about the Dems, ‘They’re gonna ‘TAKE YOUR GUNS’!,

Oh Really! Who’s gonna ‘take your guns’? Here in Colorado, a Blue State, the Sheriff’s Depts won’t even enforce the ‘Red Flag Law’, which requires them to take weapons away from someone who is deemed a danger to themselves and others. They also refuse to enforce the ‘large magazine’ law, which makes it illegal to own large capacity magazines for assault weapons. SOOO, dumbasses, who’s gonna ‘take your weapons?’ Not the police, sheriffs or the Army, and not most of us non-Repubs, who also pack a lot of heat. Just typical Repub bullshit, as they LIE their asses off, about everything, and the low IQ sheep ‘swallow the crap’. Nothing new here, but the LIES get SO old......

Some of the Pubs think they oughta have a Health Care plan of their own, before trashing Obamacare, that millions love and depend on.

DUH, you really think you need a PLAN? We need a plan’: GOP shaken by Trump’s health care demands And in other Repub bullshit....... Republicans warn Trump to back off economy-wrecking tariffs GOP senators are warning the president his trade war could fuel a recession in the 2020 campaign. And, in a definition of HYPOCRISY GONE WILD, Tucker Carlson, the FOXNews clown, is bitchin’ about CNN being the ‘mouthpiece’ of the Dem party. Wow, who da thunk a ‘news’ channel could be biased? This, from the network that had to take down their ‘Fair and Balanced’ moniker, cuz they couldn’t say it without laughing.....

In keeping with his tradition of picking the ‘worst possible person for the job’, (look at Dotard’s Cabinet, what’s left of it) the Liara in Chief outdid himself this time.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's pick to serve on the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors had a lien of more than $75,000 filed against him in January 2018 for unpaid taxes. The president said last week he intends to nominate Stephen Moore to fill a vacancy on the Fed's seven-member board. Yup, the crooked SOB can’t even handle his own money, but the Orange Clown wants him in charge the nation’s money. Every time I think Dotard can’t possible be any more incompetent, the jerk(R) pulls something like this out of his YUUUUUGE ass.

Great interview with James Comey, (who gave the election to Trump), who had this ‘what if’.

Instead of Trump and the Russians, suppose it had been Obama and the Iranians? Ya think that maybe the Pubs would have a problem with MANY secret meetings, and a YUUUUGE number of LIES when caught, (all about adoption?), presidential interference into sanctions, Obama having YUUUGE financial dealings with the Iranians (think about it rightwingnuts), Obama inviting the Mullahs into the White House, then meetings with the Iranian prez with ZERO transcripts available to anyone. Duh, you think the Pub attack dogs just MIGHT have a problem? BUT, when it’s Dotard and Russia, instead of Obama and Iran..... NO PROBLEM for the Hypocritical Assholes(R). Unbelievable (like FOX), but SO Republican. What kind of idiot swallows crap like that? Oh yeah, the Bullshit Mountain sheep Oh, and BTW, what if Obama avoided the draft with ‘bone spurs’, then disparage a true American hero like John McCain. Un F’ing believable, but SO Republican, as their boy, a Russian-backed Pathological LIAR, spend...

Dotard claims ‘complete exoneration’, completely opposite from what Mueller said. What, you mean one of them is LYING? Guess which one..... Hint: Dotard’s appointee, who gave an unsolicited, 19 page opinion that the Liar in Chief is ‘above the law’, (Duh, I wonder why Dotard chose HIM as Atty Gen?), is refusing to release the report, while the clowns at FOX are claiming complete victory. What a joke.....

The American people deserve more than a four-page summary, hastily written by two Trump political appointees. Until the full report is released, it is both impossible and irresponsible to draw conclusions based on the few select phrases included in the attorney general’s summary.

BTW, this is the crap that FOX shovels to the sheep, instead of asking to see the report that the Senate voted 420 to ZERO that we should see.....

Laura Ingraham: Trump should use his Russia collusion victory to show that Democrats are wrong about everything

How long ‘til we find the TRUTH from Mueller’s investigation?


The a-holes(R) never change, even after the house voted 420 to ZERO that Mueller’s report should be released to the public.

Yup, shortly after saying that he wanted ‘transparency and openness’ (HA) the Chief asshole(R) in the Senate, Mitch McConnel(R), vetoed  legislation that would have let us see what William Barr(R) hid from the public. Dotard’s hand-picked lackey condensed over 400 pages, and two years worth of investigation into 4 pages, most of it bullshit propaganda, and even after a bi-partisan vote to make it ALL available, Slimeball McTurtleface decided he didn’t want us to see what a criminal we have in the White House, AS IF we didn’t know, and blocked the rest of the report. Is anyone surprised? Hell NO! That’s what the Pubs do. They block the info that lays bare their crimes and give some phony baloney, FOXNews type of whitewash and hide the crimes of the Criminal in Chief. Nothing new here, and who would have expected anything less from the hand-picked lackey of the prez, Wm Barr, and the turtle-faced a-hole that has the power to sweep it all under the rug. Same old shit from the ...

SOOO, RObert Mueller didn’t find the ‘smocking gun’ that would have tied Dotard to the Russians, but calling him ‘innocent’ and the investigation a ‘hoax/witch hunt’ is a bunch of BS.

First of all, we’ve only gotten a brief summary, less than four pages of a 400 plus page report, and that summary was done by Dotard’s hand-picked ‘filter’, who submitted an unsolicited nineteen page opinion why the Liar in Chief was innocent, before ever being appointed to his job. Just because no contract, written in blood, between Dotard and Vlad wasn’t unearthed doesn’t mean there wasn’t a Tump/Russia connection. ALL SEVENTEEN US Intel agencies say Russia interfered to get the Clown elected. PLUS, his boy Mike FLynn met with the Russians and LIED about it, like Paul Manafort, Dotard’s campaign mgr met with the Russians and LIED about, just like Dotard’s personal lawyer did, AND Donald Trump Jr, who met with the Russians in Trump Tower, and LIED about it. SOO, don’t act like the investigation wasn’t warranted OR that he’s innocent of obstruction, just cuz we got a skimpy, condensed version of a two year investigation from Dotard’s hand-picked lackey who’s been ‘on the record’ c...

Some sheep act like Mueller’s probe is over, after we have ZERO details yet, Typical sheep mentality, after swallowing FOXCrap instead of real news. And you wonder WHY they are so ignorant and uninformed?

Fox News’ Chris Wallace: Rudy Giuliani ‘Awfully Optimistic’ To Think Mueller Probe Is Over

Can you imagine? A criminal investigation where the ‘cops’ could never talk the perp?

Yup, that’s how it works when the perp is a guilty, lawyered up, Repub criminal. Dotard’s high priced legal team, who did mock interviews and decided, ‘no way he can testify, cuz he’s such a LIAR, he’ll incriminate himself’. Look it up if you doubt. That’s what his lawyers said, SOOOO, Dotard never had to testify, (that’s what Big $$$ gets a Big Criminal), and now we get Mueller’s report, after he could NEVER interview the guilty bastard. Let’s see what happens, BUT, wouldn’t we love to hear what the guilty bastard had to say? AND, let’s say you are a guilty criminal, wouldn’t you LOVE to never have to talk to the cops? That’s how it works in Pub world. Some things never change.....

Lindsay Graham, typical ass-kissing Repub HYPOCRITE.


Here’s some FACTS, (read ‘em, I dare ya), that the rightwingnut sheep won’t hear, from the Repub Propaganda machine, (Bullshit Mountain). They concentrate (just look at today’s headlines) on saying the FBI, Justice Dept, Mueller, Rosenstein and everyone else involved is ‘in the tank’ for the Dems, even though they are nearly all REPUBLICANS. Remember when the Pubs were FOR the FBI and against Russia. Way back before the Russian-backed, incompetent, Pussy Grabbing, NYC conman/Pathological LIAR took over? As I said, here’s FACTS that FOX won’t report, to the gullible sheep.

Russia interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump.  Russian officials hacked the emails of Democratic officials and created a social media campaign designed to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Trump.  Trump campaign officials knew of these foreign efforts and encouraged them.  The president’s son did so. As did George Papadopoulos, a campaign adviser. And Trump himself publicly urged Russia to hack Clinton’s emails — on the same day Russian hackers tried to breach her private server for the first time.  Trump campaign officials attempted to conceal contacts they had with Russians and other foreign officials.  Trump and his associates repeatedly lied to the public and to investigators about their more than 100 contacts — including meetings, phone calls and emails — with Russians during the campaign. Among the examples: Michael Flynn, a campaign aide who became Trump’s national security adviser, lied about phone calls he had with the Russian ambassador...

Dotard’s latest ‘Defense’ against the Mueller report goes like this. ‘WHo elected this guy” He’s just ‘some guy’ who’s writing a report on ME, the president. He didn’t get any votes, I did.

Well, you stupid LYING asshole, ‘that guy’ is a lifelong Repub, now a ‘Prosecutor’, appointed BY Pubs, to look into your OBVIOUS connections to Russia, that ALL US intel says was (is?) there. His ‘witch hunt’ has already produced 37 indictments, and your campaign mgr and lawyer are facing  prison terms. BUT, you continue to hurl LIES to the sheep, undermining the rule of law, as the noose gets tighter, trying to disparage the entire US system of justice, in an attempt to ‘change the subject’ which IS, you were elected with the help of RUSSIA, our enemy. It would be nice if Mueller could find the ‘smocking’ gun, but I doubt if there’s some contract, written in blood, between you and your buddy Vlad, BUT, that doesn’t mean you’re innocent. Everyone (with a brain) KNOWS you’ve been financed with Russian money for a LONG time, since all your bankruptcies made you a pariah to US lending institutions, BUT, your lameass supporterrs don’t give a shit about such obvious facts, SO, ‘tha...

Dotard tried to disgrace George Conway, who correctly diagnosed him with ‘Narcissitic Personality Disorder’, (duh, who didn’t know that), and the list of symptoms published was 9 for 9.

The Liar in Chief immediately called him a ‘loser’ and said George was pissed cuz he wanted a job in the administration and didn’t get one. Mr Conway, yesterday, showed the letter that he sent to Dotard, TURNING DOWN a plum job in the Justice Dept. George didn’t want to leave his lucrative current private sector job AND couldn’t stand the Orange Clown. What? You mean the LYING piece of crap LIED, AGAIN? You can’t believe a thing the jerk(R) says, which is nothing new, but HOW LONG can his gullible, hypocrite supporters swallow his ‘obvious and continuous’ LIES? Nothing new here, but what kind low life can put up with his shit? Oh yeah, the typical FOXSheep who sold their soul LONG AGO for the crap that Dotard shovels to them. Disgusting, but SO typical of their ilk....

No collusion, (by the YING pig), not YET proven....


Wow, great day. Met with my buddy Denny, went out for some pho

And he turned me on to the UTube channel, where I gorged on music. Love the Revivalists, Foster The People, Portugal The Man, Elle King, etc, BUT esp love the Revivalists. Wow, this music channel is gonn be dangerous, in a good way.......

I’ve seen a LOT of pathetic crap from the Pubs, BUT, this has to be near the top.

That paragon of intelligence and integrity, David F-in Nunez, is suing Twitter, cuz some people are posting Tweets.....that make FUN of him. OMG, you can’t make this stuff up. The same jerk who ran to the White House, with a White House planted ‘scoop’, (remember the hearings, where he was the ranking Pub?), is proving they(R) just don’t have a clue. What’s next? You gonna sic your mommy on the ‘bad people’? What a pathetic loser, but he fits right in, with the HYPOCRITES who kiss Dotard ass.....

‘Shit for brains’ shares his wisdom about John McCain. And the sheep swallow it.


Just saw Dotard ranting against the deceased American war hero, John McCain.

In the Liar in Chief’s account, he actually had a ‘repeal and REPLACEMENT’, for Obamacare, although everyone KNOWS the Pubs never had a REPLACEMENT plan. Just repeal, and fake it...... Dotard also pulled another LIE out of his Fat Ass, that McCain’s ‘thumbs down’ has cost us over a TRILLION dollars. AND, if the Clown had known McCain was gonna vote against it, he would have gotten more votes. Oh really, you LYING piece of crap? A TRILLION dollars......and you would have gotten ‘another vote’, if you had known? You tried, threatened, promised, cajoled and LIED to get every vote you could, but now you’ve made up a whole new reality, for your gullible sheep to swallow, while ripping a man you will never come CLOSE to being. Some things never change, from the slimy, sleazy mouth of the LYING a-hole, with ‘bone spurs’. How any patriotic American could side with Capt Bonespurs against John McCain is totally beyond comprehension, as the HYPOCRITES keep digging themselves deeper, in ...

Let. Col. Ralph Peters had some words for Capt Bonespurs, after the LYING draft dodger insulted John McCain.

John McCain was, and in our hearts remains, the man Trump could never be. And Trump knows it. It's a classic case of male fears of an inadequacy," Peters said. "It goes along perfectly with his lifelong obsession with having a woman on his arm to look like teenage boys' fantasies. He wants to show us all how tough he is. But he's not tough. He's a draft dodger and a fiscal coward with a big mouth." Peters continued later during the interview, "Look, Trump is just shameful. He is obscene. He is disgraceful. Pick your adjective." He added that Trump "never did anything for this country" and alleged that he "was elected apparently with the help of a hostile power." Read Newsmax:   Ralph Peters Trashes Trump as 'Draft Dodger,' 'Coward' |   There is enough to explain from Tuesday's reveal why the investigation must be weighing on Trump's spirits, and  driving his angry Twitter ou...

Can’t understand Dotard? Wonder how ANYONE can be so unhinged?

Check out ‘Narcissistic Personality Disorder’. Really. Google it. If I were to post it, you wouldn’t believe how RIGHT ON it is. Look it up, and tell me Trump isn’t 100% NPD, plus a YUUUGE number of other psychiatric disorders, led by Pathological LIAR!

Dotard REALLY SUCKS as a prez, but at least he was good as a businessman?

Trump Airlines? Nope Trump Steaks? Nope Trump Wine? Nope Trump University? Nope, and fined for fraud. Trump magazine? Nope Trump Mortgage Co? Nope Trump Travel Site? Nope Trump Vodka? Nope But at least he could make it with casinos, where the ‘House’ has a YUUUUGE advantage? Nope, Took several casinos into bankruptcy, when he had ‘the only game in town’. Well, anyone could run a ‘Foundation’, right? Nope. Under indictment. Without ‘daddy’s money’ we never wold have heard of the loser, and even WITH daddy’s money, that same amount in a stock index fund would have done MUCH better. The crooked, greedy bastard went bankrupt SIX TIMES, so all US investment money dried up (wonder WHY?) and he was forccd to go to Russia for financing, according to BOTH his boys. And THAT is at the center of his corruption, and that’s why Russia backed him for prez. The slimy, sleazy ‘businessman’ was well-known in New York. That’s why he got less than 15% of the vote, in a place that did...

There’s a REASON the NZ shooter listed Dotard in his Manifesto.


Dotard lashed out at George Conway, cuz KellyAnne’s husband said what 2/3 of us know. THe Liar in Chief is unstable, and getting worse. This, after the Orange Clown shot out 58 Tweets over the weekend, attacking everything from SNL to a ‘dead hero’ Congressman.

Who can’t see the whackjob has a serious mental problem? Oh yeah, the gullible sheep who put the Russian-backed, incompetent, Pussy Grabbing Pathological LIAR in the White House. George Conway, a persistent Trump critic, took a pointed swipe at the president over a head-spinning spate of weekend tweets in which Trump attacked, among other things, Google, General Motors, the United Auto Workers, Hillary Clinton, the Paris climate accord, France, the “Fake News” media, Fox News anchors Shepard Smith, Arthel Neville and Leland Vittert, the late Sen. John McCain, special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into his 2016 presidential campaign’s ties with Russia and a rerun of NBC’s “Saturday Night Live.” ‘His condition is getting worse’, Conway Tweeted. No shit, Sherlock........

Whenever I think, well, MAYBE I might have something i common with the rightwingnuts...

I realize they support the Russian-backed, incompetent. LYING Pussy Grabber and I realize the blatant HYPOCRITES(R) are totally ‘off the chart’ when it comes to any kind of morality. Nothing new here, but WTF will it take for the robotic minions of the Patholical LIAR to admit reality/ How can ANYONE, even a brainwashed FOXSheep, think the Orange Clown in the White House is anything but a Pathological LIAR? At what point did LYING become OK for a US prez? AS IF you don;t know the asshole is a total LIAR....

Just watched John Oliver’s ‘Last Week Tonight’’, and he did a great bit on Monica’s Lewinsky.

It was part of ‘public shaming’ on social media, and how she was the first, and maybe WORST example. Like he said, how would you like your worst day, whether you got caught or not, to be publicized and thrown at you EVERY DAY of your life, like happened to her. I esp liked liked how he showed many of Jay Leno’s non-stop, really nasty jokes about her. Yup, the guy quoted by Dotard, when he said he wanted more ‘civility’ in late night comedy shows. OMG, Leno was SO crude, and relentless... One of his ‘jokes’ was a take on a Dr Seuss book cover, showing a caricature of her, with the title, ‘The Slut in the Hat’. Well, John Oliver came back with his own Dr Seuss themed cover, just for Jay, that read, ‘Oh The Ways You Can Go Fuck Yourself, Jay Leno’. Perfect! And a great reason why he’s won so many awards and why I like him so much. I’d love to see Leno’s face when he sees it. Bitch about civility, my ass....

Dotard would make a great statesman. Really...

Definition of a Statesman: A dead politician.

Dotard did something new Sunday, other than sending out a record 29 Tweets, mostly filled with LIES.

Yup, yesterday was the FIRST time the Liar in Chief, (who claims his favorite book is the Bible, and is supported by all the FOXCrowd, hypocritical ‘Christians’), actually went to a regular Sunday morning church service, although he probably had his head down, TWEETING the entire time. Yup, did all you religious rightwingnuts realize that was his FIRST TIME? Was probably reminded by his handlers of Roger Ailes discovery that “Christians VOTE” and he needed to presend to be ‘part of the flock’, again. I’m shocked that lightning didn’t strike the building......

Dotard, in his mentally deranged state, sent out 29 Tweets on Sunday, nearly every one filled with LIES and half truths.

Let’s just look at one, where he picked on a dead, American hero, John McCain. The Liar in Chief claimed McCain released  part of ‘The Dossier; which has NEVER been disproven,  BEFORE the election. WRONG, it was in December. In the same Tweet, he claimed McCain was LAST in his class. WRONG That’s much like Dotard claimed he was FIRST in his class at Wharton. WRONG. Not even close. We can’t check on any other his ‘scholastic accomplishments’ cuz he ‘disappeared them’ with lawsuits threatened against anyone who reveals them. The same guy who claimed he lost the popular vote cuz 3-5 million illegals voted against him. The same guy who claimed ‘his men in Hawaii’ had unearthed PROOF that Obama was born in Kenya. I could go ON AND ON about the guy who wants a Congressional Invetigation into SNL, but WHY? His asinine supporters don’t give a shit that he LIES, ALL THE TIME! Never mind, history will judge, just like it has Nixon, Viet Nam, Iraq and many other Repub disas...

While the rest of the world was shocked by the shooting in NZ, by a shooter that wrote of his affection for Trump, Dotard went on an epic rant, that further proved how ‘off the rails’ the nutjob actually is.

In a stunning display of personal grievances aired on Twitter, Trump  demanded the return of a supportive Fox News host  who was missing from her usual spot on Saturday after verbally attacking an American Muslim lawmaker. He  escalated his beyond-the-grave feud with late Sen. John McCain . He complained at being  lampooned by NBC's "Saturday Night Live."  Trump also fulminated against the Russia investigation, "Radical Left Democrats" and took shots at an  Ohio union boss  before  demanding  a now-closed GM plant in Ohio be reopened or sold. What will it take, for his rightwingnut supporters to realize what an incompetent whack job the Liar in Chief actually is? WWIII? C’mon Mueller, get off your ass!

After the shooter in NZ specifically mentioned Dotard in his manifesto,

the White House ‘spin machine/LIARS’ (Mulaney, KellyAnn Conjob), are calling Nancy Pelosi and AOC just as responsible. ARE YOU SHITTIN’ ME? Mulaney totally ignored what the shooter said, (mentioning Trump’s White Supremacist views) and didn’t say, and ignored how Dotard is a HERO the White Nationalists after all he has said and done. His latest call to HIS Biker Gangs, to make things ‘very bad, very bad’, for the Liberals is just another dog whistle to his violent minions, like his ‘rough ‘em up, I’ll pay your legal bills’. Anyone who can’t see what the asshole is doing is just plain willfully ignorant and/or hopelessly ignorant, cuz they’ve made a choice, to get their ‘news’ from the Repub propaganda outlet, FOXLies.

Colorado is voting, this week, to ban conversion therapy(R).

Yup, we’re gonna make it illegal for rightwingnut, Bible Base Charlatons to prey on the ignorant, gullible Christian parents, charging those who think they can ‘pray away the gay, and when that doesn’t work, PAY a professional grifter to change the sexuality that a child is born with. Can you imagine being shipped to a ‘religious compund’ and forced to become gay? No difference, for those who are born ‘different’ and being forced to ‘change’ so their religious parents can feel comfortable among their brethren(R). Sickening, but SO Republican, as the rightwingnuts mingle politics and religion, screwing up BOTH of them. If I gotta explain, you won’t understand, continuing to vote Repub, with your head deep in your ass. Yahoo, FOXRules, for the gullible, ignorant sheep among us. BTW, there was a time when I actually thought my ‘unusual’ relatives MIGHT be right about some stuff. Then I heard the HYPOCRITES voice their thoughts on ‘gayness’, and then they broke for the Pussy Gr...

At first I thought it was a joke, like Dotard himself, but it’s not.

The Liar in Chief is threatening SNL with Federal investigations, by the FCC and Fed Election Commission, cuz they’re ‘picking on him’. No shit. Has the Dufus not heard of the amendment the guarantees ‘Free Press’? As much as he HATES it, and calls it ‘Fake News’ while listening to the media CREATED by the Pub Party FOR the Pub Party, he has provided a rich vein of comedy, by his asinine words and actions, while defining the highest office in the land, with his continual LIES and efforts to wreck our country. Yeah, jerkface(R), try to impanel the FCC and FEC against SNL and ‘prove to the world’ what a total idiot you actually are. Then check out the comedy show on the following Saturday night. Ha Ha! It’s hard to imagine ANYONE taking the a-hole seriously. Then I remember the sheep who get their ‘news’ from the same stinking trough, created by Roger Ailes, the Chief Repub Political Strategist, and I realize their stupidity, ignorance and gullibility ‘knows no bounds’. Hard t...

Surprise! The clowns at the White House continues to deny that Dotard is a white supremacist, despite tons of evidence to the contrary, incl the NZ shooter who praised the Liar in Chief in his ‘manifesto’.

The accused gunman’s manifesto praised the U.S. president as "a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose."  The reference revived criticism that Trump has not been strong enough in condemning hate speech and has fomented anti-Muslim sentiment, and has actually encouraged it. "Time and time again, this president has embraced and emboldened white supremacists—and instead of condemning racist terrorists, he covers for them. This isn't normal or acceptable," It just goes to prove the saying, ‘Not every Repub is a racist, but every racist is a Republican.’  Check out every KKK and White Supremiscist/Aryan Nation-type group and try to find ONE non-Repub in the hate groups. Impossible. They haves pics of Trump, the wanna-be dictator, beside their Nazi flags.

Dotard used the word’ ‘illegal’ and ‘conflicted’, (two words that accurately describe HIM), in an effort to stop Mueller’s report from reaching the light of day, and American’s ears.

Yup, instead of looking forward to the extensive investigation, (run by a Repub, appointed BY a Repub), that would clear him if he was innocent (HA!), the slimy criminal is saying it should be quashed, and never heard, cuz it’s ‘illegal’ and ‘conflicted’, although the House voted 420-0 to release it. In the same vein 2 Repub Senators crossed the aisle to vote AGAINST hs ‘Emergency’ wall fiasco, so maybe there IS hope for the country.... Any innocent person would LOVE for the truth to come out, but a guilty SOB, like the Liar in Chief, damn sure doesn’t want the facts of his Russian involvement, plus all his shady, criminal business dealing to be known, SO, the jerk(R) is fighting the report, with multiple attorneys and all the power of his (illegally obtained) office. C’mon, Mueller, you gotta go with what you have and realease the results. If you keep waiting to run down EVERY crime and malfeasance of Dotard and all his criminal henchmen, we will get a lot more Flynns, Gates, Coh...

After seeing the damage and hearing the LIES from the Liar in Chief, it’s nice to occasionally read some GOOD news, and it came from a surprising source.

Chris Wallace: No Way Trump Will Win In 2020 With Just His Base And that seems to be all the president cares about now, Wallace tells Fox News’ Shepard Smith. Yup, Dotard has his heard-core ‘Ever-Trumpers’, his base that couldn’t care less that he is backed by the Russians, has a history of whore-mongering and then LYING when he gets caught, going bankrupt when things get tough, then being forced to get financing in RUSSIA and pissing off all our former allies while making America a pariah in world opinion.  The same crowd who wouldn’t care if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue, although large and ignorant, isn’t enough to get him re-elected. Sure,  they’re loud and ugly, but there’s not enough of them, thankfully, to override the 2/3 of America that HATES the a-hole. And this is BEFORE Mueller’s report comes out. No matter HOW MUCH the guilty SOB tries to stop it, it WILL happen, and it will be interesting to see how many of the Uber-Hypocrites stick with the Ru...

While no one can even find Dotard’s grades (like his tax returns) from high school and college, (cuz his lawyer’s threats of lawsuits),

FOXLies is ‘doing their part’ as the Repub Propaganda Machine, by digging up a short story assignment, written by Beto O’Rourke, when he was FIFTEEN years old. Yup, the intrepid reporters at Bullshit Mountain dug into his (WAY distant) past, found a story about murder and made it a leading headline for their gullible sheep. Mission accomplished, clowns. You did your usual smear job on a Dem, while IGNORING the NZ shooter’s manifesto about Trump being his hero. Great job, as usual, reporting the ‘news’ to the ignorant sheep. And you wonder WHY they are so ignorant and uninformed?

The shooter in New Zealand left a manifesto, and guess who was one of his heroes?

Yup, Dotard is one of his role models, saying the Liari in Chief is a ‘symbol of white identity’. The a-hole’s long-range/long term damage is impossible to calculate, as his special brand of ignorance, racism and bullying is the gift that keeps on giving. Today, the jerk(R) overrode the wishes of Congress and became the first prez EVER to go against the Legislature and impose his will, vs the majority of the American people. You gullible rightwingnuts oughta be SO proud of your Russian-backed boy in the White House, who’s pissed off 2/3 of the US and well over 90% of the world, although they LOVE him in Russia. Ever wonder why, rightwingnut sheep? Didn’t think so. Curiosity is nearly non-existent, deep in an anal/cranial inversion....

There is an International Criminal Court, that investigates war crimes, among other atrocities, where war criminals are brought to trial, like the Nazis in Nuremberg.

GW and The Dick’s ‘War, based on LIES” is being investigated by this court, and the world is nearly unanimously behind them. EXCEPT for the Pubs who started the “War based on LIES’, and they have BLOCKED the staff from entering the US, and exposing the Pub’s illegal, immoral war. Nothing new here, but sickening, just the same.... Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the US will deny or revoke visas for International Criminal Court staff. The move is meant to deter a potential investigation by the judicial body into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by US troops in Afghanistan. Stay tuned, we should hear more about this......

NEVER has an ‘Emergency’ been (mis)used like Dotard is trying to do.

Even many of his Repub stooges realize the total ‘wrongness’ of the act and 12 of them in the Senate joined with the Dems to vote against him and disregard for the rule of law. How did the Liar in Chief react to the House AND Pub controlled Senate standing against him? Trump Vows 'VETO!' After Bipartisan Senate Rebuke on Wall Read Newsmax:  Senate Votes to Terminate Trump's Emergency Declaration for Border, Forcing Veto Showdown 

It’s gonna be really interesting to see how the clowns at FOX navigate the ‘daddy buys a scholarship’ problem.

On one hand they love to vilify higher education, cuz that’s an area where Liberals reign. The jerks(R) at Bullshit Mountain continually rail against the lack of ‘Conservatives’ and the ‘snowflakes’ who dominate the entire college/university experience. BUT, the Big Money Repubs do whatever it takes to get their kids INTO those same schools of ‘higher learning’ cuz there is a YUUUUGE chance they will make WAY more $$ with a prestigious degree from the very schools that FOX hates. FOX and the Pubs have continually denigrated the University experience BECAUSE there is ZERO doubt that more education creates more Democrats. NO DOUBT, not even close. EVERY factual study supports that reality. SOOO, what’s a hypocritical, rightwingnut rag of a media outlet supposed to do? Support higher education, where the Rich Repubs send their kids, OR, tear the whole concept down, for their ignorant, gullible Bible Belt Base? Tough decision for the clowns at FOX, so they’ve danced around the ...

After the House voted 420-0 to have Mueller’s report made public, Lindsay Graham(R) killed it in the Pub controlled Senate.

Instead of WANTING to show the facts, as any INNCOCENT person/party would, Dotard and his henchmen are fighting tooth and nail to keep the report from reaching the American public. You ever wonder why, gullible rightwingnut? Just like, you ever wonder WHY the Russians did SO MUCH to put their boy in the White House? Of course not. Rightwingnuts have their heads buried SO deep their only source of stimulation is wiggling their ears. Trump says 'there should be no Mueller report' By  REBECCA MORIN   03/15/2019 10:33 AM EDT Share on Facebook   Share on Twitter President Donald Trump on Friday insisted there should be no report from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe, denouncing the investigation as "illegal."

We learned an important lesson from the ‘cheapskates’ who bought their kids an athletic scholarships for $500,000.

Just do like Jarad’s daddy did, nd you’ll be OK. Buy a $2.5 building at Harvard and your spoiled brat kid can get a Harvard degree, something he NEVER would have qualified for on his own merits. THEN, marry into a wealthy, sleazy family and get ‘Top Security’ clearance, against the wishes of ALL those involved in the process, and you can have a YUUUUGE roll in a corrupt, criminal enterprise(R) in the White House. Ahhhh, the American(R) way...... Sickening isn’t it? But SO Republican......

After encouraging his moronic minions at his rallies to ‘rough ‘em up, I’ll pay your legal bills’, Dotard has now moved on to a new level with his threats.

Yup, the wanna-be dictator claims to have ‘ the tough guys’ including ‘Bikers for Trump’, and is threatening violence if he doesn’t get his way. This clown hit rock bottom LONG AGO in character and morality issues but is STIALL able to shock with his thuggish threats. At what point do the few decent people who still support him say ‘Enough, I don’t care if he is a Repub’..... HA! NEVER! Anyone who is still behind the Russian-backed, incompetent, LYING Pussy Grabber sold their soul long ago, and, like he says, he could ‘shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not be convicted, or even charged’, cuz he and his ilk left decent, moral society LONG AGO. “I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump.  I have the tough people , but they don’t play it tough until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”  OMG! Does Dotard really think the police and military are gonna ‘play it tough’ for the Liar in Chie...

Wow, I’m continually amazed by how FOX can take a story and write a headline/article that’s TOTALLY WRONG from it.

Take Nancy Pelosi’s comment on impeachment, when she said, ‘He’s just not worth it’. Seem obvious if you have a brain, right? BUT, the clowns at FOX took that statement and gave it the following headline. Don’t believe me? Check out FOXLies for the article below. Just when I think the clowns at FOX can’t possible get worse, in their defense of the Liar in Chief. Tammy Bruce: Democrats casually admit their obscene accusations against Trump and his supporters was a sham

Sometimes it’s fun to do a ‘What If’?

Can you imagine the SCREAMING and righteous indignation from the clowns at FOX if Obama had been shown to have been ‘helped’ by the Russians to win an election where he didn’t get a majority vote? AND, if he’d been caught LYING about payoffs to porn stars while Michelle had a baby at home, AND he REFUSED to show his tax returns? You think the outrage machine at the Repub Propaganda Machine wouldn’t be calling for armed insurrection? Just think, and try to imagine, if Obama had done those things, NOT EVEN COUNTING the myriad other crap Dotard has done. Can you IMAGINE the 24/7 OUTRAGE from Bullshit Mountain, screamed to the sheep?

Dotard’s new plan of ‘cost plus 50%’ for US troops around the world got a frosty reception from the head of the House Armed Services Committee.

He called the idea ‘monumentally stupid’, adding his opinion to others in the Clown’s Cabinet who have called him a moron, an idiot, a fucking moron and a fucking idiot. C’mon guys, tell us what you really think about the incompetent, LYING, Russian-backed a-hole who rules ‘from his gut’ with help from Bullshit Mountain. BUT, the ‘business jenius’, who went bankrupt SIX TIMES, and would have made LOTS more money if he’d have taken the money from his rich daddy and just invested it in a stock index fund, was elected by the ‘little people’ who just KNOW that he has their best interests at heart. BTW, his favorite book is the Bile, since he heard that’s what the largest voting block in the US reads. Wow, who da thunk? AND, who da thunk he could take a fantastic US economy, (exactly the OPPOSITE of what the Pubs handset Obama), cut the rules and regulations that were put into place to save us from another Pubs fiasco, like 2008, pass a YUUUUGE unpaid for break for the rich and cor...

Although Rush and Sean tell the gullible sheep otherwise, the meteorologists ‘nailed it’ with the record storm that hit Colorado yesterday.

The ‘nerds’ forecast a record low barometric pressure, and we got it, at 968 mb’s, with all that entails. It took a normal spring snowstorm storm and added hurricane force winds (92mph at Glen Haven) to make a nasty blizzard. All time record low after record snows earlier in the mountains. Wow, maybe there is something to this ‘Climate Change’ thing? Nah, Rush and Sean, and all the X-spurts at Bullshit Mountain assure us it’s a ‘hoax’, like Russia’s help in getting Dotard and his henchmen in the White House. I’m sure glad those ‘jeniuses’ at FOX are there to tell us pure, unbiased truth..... Dotard Tweeted about boring, un-funny, unwatchable late night comedy, calling it one-sided. Well, more people than ever are watching it, and laughing there asses off as the wittiest people on TV continually roast the dumbass in the White House and all his criminal henchmen, who keep getting more charges against them. I can see why Dotard and his criminal crew doesn’t like it, BUT, what the...

Manafort’s lawyer, and Dotard, claimed AGAIN, the judge said ‘There was no collusion’, which is a TOTAL LIE.

The judge didn’t mention it, cuz the trial had NOTHING to do with collusion, BUT, that doesn’t mean there wasn’t, although the Liar in Chief keeps pushing the LIE about judges clearing him. What a joke, that only works on FOX, for the gullible sheep, who couldn’t care less about Russian collusion, and the polls all prove it. Russian interference? We(R) don’t care. Quit picking on our boy (that the Commies installed, with the help of FOX and the TV preachers). The good news? There are brand new charges against Dotard’s buddy.campaign chairman, in New York State Court, and the Orange Clown ‘Can’t Pardon Him’ on State charges. Screw you both, you criminal con men. Just take a look at the list of Manafort’s clients. The list includes nearly a dozen of the worst criminals on earth, including Dotard. I hope the a-hole rots in prison, sharing a cell block with the guilty SOB now in the White House. BUT, if GW and The Dick can avoid prosecution, as proven war criminals, ANYONE can.....

Just saw ex-Colorado guv, John Hickenlooper on Seth Myers Late Late Show, and he was great.

Unlike Dotard who was GIVEN his empire by his rich father, Hick started over 20 businesses, including the brew pub category that reinvigorated downtown Denver. He took the Colorado economy from 40th to FIRST in the US as a two term guv, after being a two term mayor Colorado people/voters who know him love him. Unlike New York voters who knew/know the LYING con man Orange gave him only 15%, which are the hard core Pubs who would vote for a rabid rat(R). They KNEW the LYING conman! Think about it. No way Hick’s gonna win, cuz of the way politics work. If you doubt how BAD things are screwed up, just picture President Donald Trump. Case closed.

As Paul Manafort is convicted of multiple crimes by different courts, the gullible sheep are being fed the “FOXVersion’ of reality that they are SO famous four.

Yup, the clowns at Bullshit Mountain can, and do, put their ‘special spin’ on every political story, IF they even choose to cover it, which they so many times don’t. BUT, the Manafort story is too large to ignore, so they just ‘juice it up’ for their gullible audience. Paul Manafort’s MAIN crime, in the ‘alternative facts’ world of Bullshit Mountain? OMG, you can’t make this stuff up, but FOX does..... Paul Manafort is being punished for association to Donald Trump: Brit Hume