While the rest of the world was shocked by the shooting in NZ, by a shooter that wrote of his affection for Trump, Dotard went on an epic rant, that further proved how ‘off the rails’ the nutjob actually is.

In a stunning display of personal grievances aired on Twitter, Trump demanded the return of a supportive Fox News host who was missing from her usual spot on Saturday after verbally attacking an American Muslim lawmaker. He escalated his beyond-the-grave feud with late Sen. John McCain. He complained at being lampooned by NBC's "Saturday Night Live." Trump also fulminated against the Russia investigation, "Radical Left Democrats" and took shots at an Ohio union boss before demanding a now-closed GM plant in Ohio be reopened or sold.

What will it take, for his rightwingnut supporters to realize what an incompetent whack job the Liar in Chief actually is? WWIII?
C’mon Mueller, get off your ass!


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