Manafort’s lawyer, and Dotard, claimed AGAIN, the judge said ‘There was no collusion’, which is a TOTAL LIE.

The judge didn’t mention it, cuz the trial had NOTHING to do with collusion, BUT, that doesn’t mean there wasn’t, although the Liar in Chief keeps pushing the LIE about judges clearing him.
What a joke, that only works on FOX, for the gullible sheep, who couldn’t care less about Russian collusion, and the polls all prove it.

Russian interference? We(R) don’t care. Quit picking on our boy (that the Commies installed, with the help of FOX and the TV preachers).

The good news? There are brand new charges against Dotard’s buddy.campaign chairman, in New York State Court, and the Orange Clown ‘Can’t Pardon Him’ on State charges.
Screw you both, you criminal con men. Just take a look at the list of Manafort’s clients. The list includes nearly a dozen of the worst criminals on earth, including Dotard.

I hope the a-hole rots in prison, sharing a cell block with the guilty SOB now in the White House.
BUT, if GW and The Dick can avoid prosecution, as proven war criminals, ANYONE can....


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