Too early in the day for my blood pressure to be this high, but the Dotard/Repub headlines are sickening.

At a time when the economy is supposed to be SO great the deficit is up 40% this year, well on it’s way to over  TRILLION this year, at a time when it should be getting ‘paid down’, as per Dem administrations.

Dotard is giving his two cents worth on the airline crash, saying ‘airplanes are too complicated to fly’ and there’s been ‘too much technology with NO GAIN’. OMG, as is that dumbshit knows ANYTHING about it.

The Liar in Chief is trying to push 15% ethanol in gasoline, year-round, cuz ‘that’s what he promised the farmers’ in exchange for votes in the Repub farm states. That’s 50% more of a worthless product that costs more energy to produce than it creates, while wasting the finite water in the major aquifers that SHOULD be saved for growing food and crops that are actually needed. BUT NO, it’s being wasted to buy Repub votes.

Dotard has cut pre-approved funds to several projects in Colorado, as punishment for some law enforcement agencies not following his ‘illegal’ orders on immigration policy.

Pubs are trying to push his ‘Emergency’ order on wall building funds (although Congress specifically voted AGAINST it) if he signs an order NOT allowing any other president to use ‘Emregency’ funding in the same way. ARE YOU SHITTIN ME? This is insanity on a level that only Repubs could do.

The LYING jerk(R) is wrecking our country in SO many ways it’s hard to keep track, including a 31% cut to the EPA, now headed by a former Big Coal lobbyist.

And, in the wake of the current scandal with rich families buying ‘athletic scholarships’ in exchange for contributions to a University, (something that’s gone on forever), I’d bet anything that Fred Trump bought his goofy kid into Wharton. We could check the transcripts and records, but Dotard’s legal teams have had them all QUASHED.

The Trump federal budget proposal is set to push the federal deficit past $1 trillion in a single year during a period of economic expansion. Normally tax revenues peak during this point of an economic cycle. Not this time.
Now the federal government is borrowing money to fund tax cuts for the rich. When the recession comes, as it surely will, tax revenues will fall and spending will be cut — this time on Social Security and Medicare. You have been warned. And, should you be tempted to do so in the future, please never allow the phrases “Republican Party” and “fiscally responsible” to appear together in the same sentence.


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