Good article in the NYT this morning about Dems, and Independents like me, who are best described as Anti-Republicans’.

Just cuz someone hates Dotard and the clowns/henchmen around him, doesn’t mean we are Socilaists and/or AOC lovers. And from what I can see, there’s LOTS of us here, who hate Dotard, but don’t wanna go down the path of the Far Left who are infiltrating the Dems, like the Far Far Right who took over the Pubs.
Almost half of Democratic voters identify as either political moderates or conservatives. And more than half of Democratic voters say they would like to see the party move toward the center rather than the left.
There’s a lot of energy on the political left these days, and most of it is quite healthy.
But I think the Democrats shouldn’t lose sight of the large fraction of voters — a clear majority nationwide — who don’t see themselves as liberals. It’s possible to appeal to these moderate voters while still offering a progressive agenda. There is no need to go all Howard Schultz.
Bottom line, we all have to remember just who ‘the enemy’ is, and do whatever it takes to get the Russian-backed, incompetent, dictator-loving, Pathological Liar out of the White House and into prison, where he belongs, for SO many reasons.


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