The shooter in New Zealand left a manifesto, and guess who was one of his heroes?

Yup, Dotard is one of his role models, saying the Liari in Chief is a ‘symbol of white identity’.
The a-hole’s long-range/long term damage is impossible to calculate, as his special brand of ignorance, racism and bullying is the gift that keeps on giving.

Today, the jerk(R) overrode the wishes of Congress and became the first prez EVER to go against the Legislature and impose his will, vs the majority of the American people.

You gullible rightwingnuts oughta be SO proud of your Russian-backed boy in the White House, who’s pissed off 2/3 of the US and well over 90% of the world, although they LOVE him in Russia.

Ever wonder why, rightwingnut sheep?
Didn’t think so.
Curiosity is nearly non-existent, deep in an anal/cranial inversion....


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