While no one can even find Dotard’s grades (like his tax returns) from high school and college, (cuz his lawyer’s threats of lawsuits),

FOXLies is ‘doing their part’ as the Repub Propaganda Machine, by digging up a short story assignment, written by Beto O’Rourke, when he was FIFTEEN years old.

Yup, the intrepid reporters at Bullshit Mountain dug into his (WAY distant) past, found a story about murder and made it a leading headline for their gullible sheep.

Mission accomplished, clowns. You did your usual smear job on a Dem, while IGNORING the NZ shooter’s manifesto about Trump being his hero.

Great job, as usual, reporting the ‘news’ to the ignorant sheep.
And you wonder WHY they are so ignorant and uninformed?


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