SOOO, RObert Mueller didn’t find the ‘smocking gun’ that would have tied Dotard to the Russians, but calling him ‘innocent’ and the investigation a ‘hoax/witch hunt’ is a bunch of BS.

First of all, we’ve only gotten a brief summary, less than four pages of a 400 plus page report, and that summary was done by Dotard’s hand-picked ‘filter’, who submitted an unsolicited nineteen page opinion why the Liar in Chief was innocent, before ever being appointed to his job.
Just because no contract, written in blood, between Dotard and Vlad wasn’t unearthed doesn’t mean there wasn’t a Tump/Russia connection. ALL SEVENTEEN US Intel agencies say Russia interfered to get the Clown elected.
PLUS, his boy Mike FLynn met with the Russians and LIED about it, like Paul Manafort, Dotard’s campaign mgr met with the Russians and LIED about, just like Dotard’s personal lawyer did, AND Donald Trump Jr, who met with the Russians in Trump Tower, and LIED about it.
SOO, don’t act like the investigation wasn’t warranted OR that he’s innocent of obstruction, just cuz we got a skimpy, condensed version of a two year investigation from Dotard’s hand-picked lackey who’s been ‘on the record’ calling for the Liar in Chief’s innocence.
Pretty sweet deal, when an accused criminal NEVER has to be interviewed and all the prosecutor’s questions are submitted to a YUUUGE team of lawyers who have weeks to come up with carefully worded answers, cuz that same team said Trump couldn’t be trusted alone with Mueller, cuz ‘he’d LIE his ass off’. Their words.
If this procedure were allowed for ALL accused criminals we’d have no need for prisons.....
True, Dotard and his legal team won this round, but there are over a dozen investigations still going on, and we’ve only heard a SMALL part of Mueller’s report, and that from the prez’s hand-picked minion.
Bottom line, Trump’s a Pathologial LIAR and a large part of his inner circle met with the Russians, and LIED about it, and that’s why they are on their way to prison.....


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