All the gullible minions jumped on Dotard’s bandwagon as he bellowed about economic VICTORY, claiming YUUUUGE GDP growth after he inherited a GREAT economy (remember the Repub depression that Obama inherited?), and greased the wheels by trashing rules and regs designed to protect us, AND, passed a totally unpaid for Tax Cut for the 1%.

Now the facts and figures are in for the Gross Domestic Product in 2018.
Well, the Liar in Chief’s promise of 4 to 5% growth fell a bit short, as in TWO POINT TWO per cent, for the year.
Yup, even with the artificial steroids of a tax break for the undeserving, that perennial Repub LIE about ‘trickle down’ economics is proven to be Total Bullshit, AGAIN.
Even while the economy is doing SO GREAT, according to the wind bag in the White House, we are running a YUUUUGE, over TRILLION $ deficit, as our debt surges the most in one year EVER.
Guess what’s gonna happen when we have the CERTAIN TO COME, slowdown?
When the payment on the debt runs to nearly HALF of all the country’s income?
It’s not IF, but WHEN, the fake Trump economy gets swept to the ditch and income doesn’t come CLOSE to outgo. Same old Repub bullshit, claim ‘fiscal responsibility’while WRECKING the nation’s ‘books’.
Stay tuned, it’s gonna be interesting when the wheels fall off and reality rears it’s ugly head.....


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