Dotard and the Pubs are bitchin’ cuz the Dems are ‘pickin’ on him’with well deserved subpoenas.

Remember, these are the same jerks(R) who pressed ‘Whaitewater’ for over two years, til they found a stained dress, then went for impeachment for LYING. Remember when the Pubs cared about LYING?
Excuse me while I puke.
These same jerks(R) investigated BENGHAZI! for three years, along with a ‘private server’ that was never hacked, BUT their boy’s entire inner circle met with the Russians, dozens of times, and they have No Problem.
Can you say HYPOCRITES?
Not that the jerks(R) care about actual Russian interference.
Over 70% admit ‘they don’t care’.....
Hey dummies, ever wonder WHY the Russkies want ‘your boy’ in charge?
Never mind, if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, which is SO TYPICAL of your ilk.

Hey Pubs, remember when the FBI were the good guys and the Russians were the bad guys?


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