Just like Dotard asked Russia to ‘find Hillary’s missing emails;, I’m asking Russia, or anyone else, to find Dotard’s missing grades and SAT scores.

According to the Liar in Chief,

I know words, I have the best words.
I’m like REALLY smart, a stable genius.

Well, enquiring minds want to know, Is that true (HA HA), or just another LIE from the Pathological LIAR, who is prez cuz of Comey, Russia, FOXNews and the clueless, gullible sheep who swallow Bullshit Mountain crap and vote accordingly.

Just like his taxes, I hope someone can find and publish the Orange Clown’s grades.
The same grades that he and his Fixer threatened a YUUUUGE lawsuit against anyone who released them.
You think that’d be true if they were GOOD grades?
Just like, you think he’d be obstructing Mueller and his investigation at every turn IF he was INNOCENT?  HA HA.
Innocent, my ass, as the NYC conman does all he can to avoid the truth being heard and him being exposed, prosecuted and sentenced.
Just a matte of time, though, and I can hardly wait....


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