After encouraging his moronic minions at his rallies to ‘rough ‘em up, I’ll pay your legal bills’, Dotard has now moved on to a new level with his threats.

Yup, the wanna-be dictator claims to have ‘ the tough guys’ including ‘Bikers for Trump’, and is threatening violence if he doesn’t get his way.
This clown hit rock bottom LONG AGO in character and morality issues but is STIALL able to shock with his thuggish threats.
At what point do the few decent people who still support him say ‘Enough, I don’t care if he is a Repub’.....
Anyone who is still behind the Russian-backed, incompetent, LYING Pussy Grabber sold their soul long ago, and, like he says, he could ‘shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not be convicted, or even charged’, cuz he and his ilk left decent, moral society LONG AGO.

“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump. I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.” 

OMG! Does Dotard really think the police and military are gonna ‘play it tough’ for the Liar in Chief?
This delusional asshole may have a few idiot bikers try to be tough guys for him, BUT, the police and military?
Only in the rightwingnut SOUTH, would they even consider it, and then they’d get their asses sued off......


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