File it under,’No shit, Sherlock’, as FOX is deemed ’inappropriate’ (gotta be a better word for the a-holes), to host a DNC debate.

The Democratic National Committee announced on Wednesday that Fox News will not host any of its presidential primary debates in the 2019-2020 cycle, citing a recent article in The New Yorker that characterized the outlet as an agent of the White House.

‘Agent’ of the White House?
Is that another word for ‘state TV’?

The whole clown crew oughta be forced to wear pink kimonoes, like Kim Jong Un’s propaganda network.

The craziest part? 
The North Koreans don’t have any choice, BUT, the FOXSheep VOLUNTARILY swallow the shit shoveled to them by the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party. FOXCrap.
And you wonder why they are so ignorant and uninformed?


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