It’s gonna be really interesting to see how the clowns at FOX navigate the ‘daddy buys a scholarship’ problem.

On one hand they love to vilify higher education, cuz that’s an area where Liberals reign.
The jerks(R) at Bullshit Mountain continually rail against the lack of ‘Conservatives’ and the ‘snowflakes’ who dominate the entire college/university experience.

BUT, the Big Money Repubs do whatever it takes to get their kids INTO those same schools of ‘higher learning’ cuz there is a YUUUUGE chance they will make WAY more $$ with a prestigious degree from the very schools that FOX hates.

FOX and the Pubs have continually denigrated the University experience BECAUSE there is ZERO doubt that more education creates more Democrats. NO DOUBT, not even close. EVERY factual study supports that reality.

SOOO, what’s a hypocritical, rightwingnut rag of a media outlet supposed to do?
Support higher education, where the Rich Repubs send their kids, OR, tear the whole concept down, for their ignorant, gullible Bible Belt Base?

Tough decision for the clowns at FOX, so they’ve danced around the edge of it, bitching about ‘celeb’ types who are just the tip of the iceberg.
Actually, a very funny conundrum for a crowd that loves the money an education brings, but HATES the knowledge that same education bestows.
As always, tough to be a gullible rightwingnut sheep, BUT, FOX has the answer to education in America, although it’s TOALLY against separation of Church and State, and the Constitution that the Hypocritical clowns claim they support. Just look at today’s headline, from Bullshit Mountain.

Teach the Bible in public schools so that students can learn to better understand the world around them


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