There’s a BUNCH of rightwingnut ‘truthtwisters ‘out there’ and MOST of them work at Bullshit Mountain, but not all. Alex Jones is one of the worst, which says a LOT in the crowd he hangs with.

Yup, rightwingnut LIAR, from InfoWars, who spews rightwingnut bullshit, day after day, to those low IQ minions who love that kinda crap, is having his day in court today.
Yup, the professional LIAR, who was called by Dotard, on his Inauguration Day, and thanked profusely for all his help (with the ‘uneducated’ which Doatrd called his ‘favorites’). Hmmmm, I wonder why?
Anyway, Big Mouth Alex is being sued by the parents of the kids killed in the Sandy Hook massacre, where a nut job with an assault rifle (Fave weapon of the NRA) shot up a grade school, killing six first graders.
Welllll, Alex claimed the shooting was all a Liberal HOAX, much like most the rightwingnuts categorize ‘climate change’, and now he’s in court, claiming he doesn’t remember it, cuz he has a ‘psychosis’, (that hasn’t been diagnosed), from listening to Fake News. (Too much FOX?)
Oughta be fun to watch as this loudmouth rightwing ‘hero’, gets his ass handed to him, like he did when his children were taken from him, for among other things, publishing the addresses of the grieving parents so his listeners could harass them.
His latest defense was, ‘This is just entertainment, and no one really believes me.’ HUH?
You mean like the nutjob(R) that showed up at the pizzeria, with an assault rifle, to free the kids from  Hillary’s ‘Sex Ring’, or the gullible minions who swallow Rush and Sean bullshit all day?
Bottom line, the low rent a-holes love Alex Jones, (and Rush and Sean prey on the the gullible, low IQ rightwingnut trolls who need a ‘bogeyman’ for their ignorance and bias, AND, they know where to find it, 24/7, on the rightwing media, like InfoWars and Bullshit Mountain....


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