Dotard, in his mentally deranged state, sent out 29 Tweets on Sunday, nearly every one filled with LIES and half truths.

Let’s just look at one, where he picked on a dead, American hero, John McCain.

The Liar in Chief claimed McCain released  part of ‘The Dossier; which has NEVER been disproven,  BEFORE the election. WRONG, it was in December.
In the same Tweet, he claimed McCain was LAST in his class. WRONG
That’s much like Dotard claimed he was FIRST in his class at Wharton. WRONG. Not even close.

We can’t check on any other his ‘scholastic accomplishments’ cuz he ‘disappeared them’ with lawsuits threatened against anyone who reveals them.
The same guy who claimed he lost the popular vote cuz 3-5 million illegals voted against him.
The same guy who claimed ‘his men in Hawaii’ had unearthed PROOF that Obama was born in Kenya.
I could go ON AND ON about the guy who wants a Congressional Invetigation into SNL, but WHY?

His asinine supporters don’t give a shit that he LIES, ALL THE TIME!
Never mind, history will judge, just like it has Nixon, Viet Nam, Iraq and many other Repub disasters.
Why waste my time now on people who don’t give a shit that he’s a Russian-backed, Pussy Grabbing, incompetent Pathological LIAR?
He’s a Pub, and that’s all that matters in their HYPOCRITICAL, FOX-based fantasy world.


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