Colorado is voting, this week, to ban conversion therapy(R).

Yup, we’re gonna make it illegal for rightwingnut, Bible Base Charlatons to prey on the ignorant, gullible Christian parents, charging those who think they can ‘pray away the gay, and when that doesn’t work, PAY a professional grifter to change the sexuality that a child is born with.
Can you imagine being shipped to a ‘religious compund’ and forced to become gay?

No difference, for those who are born ‘different’ and being forced to ‘change’ so their religious parents can feel comfortable among their brethren(R).

Sickening, but SO Republican, as the rightwingnuts mingle politics and religion, screwing up BOTH of them.
If I gotta explain, you won’t understand, continuing to vote Repub, with your head deep in your ass.
Yahoo, FOXRules, for the gullible, ignorant sheep among us.

BTW, there was a time when I actually thought my ‘unusual’ relatives MIGHT be right about some stuff.
Then I heard the HYPOCRITES voice their thoughts on ‘gayness’, and then they broke for the Pussy Grabbing, LYING, NYC conman, and it was confirmed, ‘they don’t have clue’, and it’s been proven so many times, since then.
Can you say ‘Clullibess’? (Clueless and Gullible).
A perfect name for the sheep, who get their ‘news’ from the Propaganda Channel, while beleiving ancient myths, superstitions and biases, (and FOXLies), as in, hating gays, who were ‘born that way’.
Remember when you ‘had to choose’?
NOPE, neither does anyone else, with a functioning brain. FOXSheep obviously excluded.....
No better example of ‘Ignorance’.


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