Dotard chimed in today, with his ‘knowledge’ about airline safety, as the rest of the world got a chance to ‘stick it to him’, by banning the new Boeing 737’s before the black box info came in.

Yup, the Liar in Chief claimed that airplanes are ‘too complicated to fly’, and he doesn’t want Albert Einstein as a pilot, while airline safety in the US is at an all-time high.

Good job, asshole, as you continue to screw up everything you touch.

Just what we need, an ignorant loudmouth voicing US govt policy and airline safety.

Nothing new here, as the egotistical jerk(R) sticks his foot in his mouth, AGAIN, and the world voices their hatred of him and his policies.

BTW, this is the same asshole who LIED, again and again, about the Tim Apple thing.
If you have any doubts about the LYING SOB, just watch the video, not that the sheep have any qualms about CONTINUAL LYING.


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