Dotard used the word’ ‘illegal’ and ‘conflicted’, (two words that accurately describe HIM), in an effort to stop Mueller’s report from reaching the light of day, and American’s ears.

Yup, instead of looking forward to the extensive investigation, (run by a Repub, appointed BY a Repub), that would clear him if he was innocent (HA!), the slimy criminal is saying it should be quashed, and never heard, cuz it’s ‘illegal’ and ‘conflicted’, although the House voted 420-0 to release it. In the same vein 2 Repub Senators crossed the aisle to vote AGAINST hs ‘Emergency’ wall fiasco, so maybe there IS hope for the country....
Any innocent person would LOVE for the truth to come out, but a guilty SOB, like the Liar in Chief, damn sure doesn’t want the facts of his Russian involvement, plus all his shady, criminal business dealing to be known, SO, the jerk(R) is fighting the report, with multiple attorneys and all the power of his (illegally obtained) office.
C’mon, Mueller, you gotta go with what you have and realease the results.
If you keep waiting to run down EVERY crime and malfeasance of Dotard and all his criminal henchmen, we will get a lot more Flynns, Gates, Cohens and Stones, but we want evidence on the Big Kahuna. The Crime Boss who’s at the center of all the criminal activity.
C’mon Robert, we’re WAITING.....


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