
Showing posts from 2008

I was ahead of the curve.

on this one. For the last few days I have called for the firing of Denver Bronco's coach, Mike Shanahan, for obvious reasons. I've heard from everyone, 'No way'. WAY. He's gone. He's a 'has-been', and has been for years. Good decision....

Reprint from newspaper column

DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE GEORGE BUSH IS? You don’t hear much from him anymore. The last image most of us remember is of the president ducking a pair of size 10s that were hurled at him in Baghdad. We’re still at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Israel is thrashing the Palestinians in Gaza. And the U.S. economy is about as vibrant as the 0-16 Detroit Lions. But hardly a peep have we heard from George, the 43rd. When Mr. Bush officially takes his leave in three weeks (in reality, he checked out long ago), most Americans will be content to sigh good riddance. I disagree. I don’t think he should be allowed to slip quietly out of town. There should be a great hue and cry — a loud, collective angry howl, demonstrations with signs and bullhorns and fiery speeches — over the damage he’s done to this country. This is the man who gave us the war in Iraq and Guantánamo and torture and rendition; who turned the Clinton economy and the budget surplus into fool’s gold; who dithered while New Orleans drown...

Finally, W had a program that worked

He trashed our economy SO BAD, that the Mexicans no longer want to come here. Think about it.... ONE THING he did worked. You da man, George....

37 years ago,

on this day, I married the love of my life. Things haven't always been perfect, but better than I ever deserved. Thank you dear, for just being you, and for putting up with me, all these years. Love you forever, and ever...

Fantastic Christmas

Don't know where to start, but we had a memorable Christmas (eve), with all the kids coming over and spending the night. I was up 'til 3:00, but they didn't hit the hay 'til 5:30. Laura did quit the party early, but she had good reason. WE ARE GONNA BE GRANDPARENTS! Have known for awhile, but agreed not to say anything 'til Christmas. This is such good/fun news, 'cause we have been wating/wanting this part of our lives for quite awhile. Next year it's not only dogs and cats, (is so funny as Bailey scares the dogs, then Bella kicks Bailey's butt) but also a baby to play with and spoil. I am SO excited for the kids as they enter this new phase of their lives. They are gonna be such good parents, and that is gonna be one smart/lucky/cute kid. We cut back on gifts this year, but I was still spoiled rotten. Nate started it off with a gift basket of his homemade beer and wine, along with homemade jellies the kids are famous for. I also got some oil painting su...

A challenge

Name anyone, in the history of the world, who has taken such an ideal situation, as Bush had when he took (stole) the presidency in 2000, and totally trashed an entire country, and way of life, as that crook has done. First, a war based on lies, then taking all the available cash, with $4/gal gasoline, then making off with the equity in American homes, as his buddies in the banking industry changed all the rules, then, giving them over a trillion dollars in bailouts, as the average home tanked in value, and the country heads to the worst recession/depression of our lifetime. Thanks, George. Please, give me a name, 'cause I can't think of one...

Stumbled upon a plum

as Brit Hume, a major FOX mouthpiece, was announcing his retirement. As part of his 'good-bye ceremony' they had Bush and Cheney give personal tributes to him. PERFECT! The biggest crook and most evil person in modern politics LOVE what you have been doing. PERFECT! Case closed....

The sleazebags at FOX

are falling over themselves, trying to find something suspicious in the report from the Justice Dept concerning Blagojevich and the Obama team. They've been reporting for the last week, that there is obviously something illegal going on with the Senate seat appointment and the president-elect. Seems they were wrong, as usual, but now they are trying to dredge something up, where there is obviously no wrong-doing. That doesn't stop the FOX crew. Just make up some crap, and keep repeating it. Your audience expects it, and LOVES to hear it. Sleazebags....

I finally figured out,

the main difference, between Libs and Cons, or whatever you wanna call them/us. A cons looks at what is and says, 'We gotta support this, because it is the patriotic thing to do, and I love my country." A Lib looks at the same thing and says, 'because I love my country SO much. I can't stand to see it twisted this way, because it could/should be so much better'. REALLY! That's the difference, in a nutshell...

Normally I wouldn't

plug a TV show, but this one is special. After hearing about 'Dexter', from Ted and Kari, who had it recommended by Jen and Jess, we started watching the first 2 seasons from discs Ted made for us. At first I was a bit upset by the subject matter, but also intrigued by the overall feel and look of the show. Without the recommendations, we wouldn't have gotten past the first few shows, BUT, we did, and now, as we near the last of season 2, (it is currently in season 3, on Showtime) we are thoroughly hooked, and are rationing the last few episodes. Nothing like it, that I have ever seen, as far as the characters, writing, and cinematography. Not for the sqeamish, but totally absorbing, after awhile. You gotta start from the beginning, AND, it's not for everyone, but if you want to get involved with a TV series, for these long winter nights, check out 'Dexter'. Just don't judge it too harshly, too soon. It'll grow on ya'.

This is complicated,

BUT, of all Bush's torpedoes, including the Iraq War, and letting his buddies set the price of oil, there was nothing that did more damage to our future, than the appointment of Chris Cox, and a couple of other members of the SEC, (Securities Exchange Commission), that changed a MAJOR rule on Wall St, to enrich a few, and raid the 401K's of all the rest of us. Not to oversimplify it, but it is pretty simple. After the crash of the stock market in the 20's, a law, called the 'uptick rule' was put into place, to protect the small investor. In a nutshell, it said, 'You can only short a stock, as it is moving up, for obvious reasons. If you pound a stock, on the way down, it is gonna exacerbate the situation, and cause a crash. That rule was good for about 90 years, until the Bushies took over. They changed the rules. You can now pound a stock, on the way down, including NAKED shorting, where you can SELL a stock, when you don't even own it. Sounds impossible?...

I caught a little bit

of Ann Coulter, the most dangerous, obnoxious b____ in the media, on FOX last night. Not much, mind you, 'cause it literally hurts to watch someone SO vile on TV. In a few minutes time, she kept referring to Barack HUSSEIN Obama, repeatedly, then claimed he was goiing to take his oath of office on the Koran, 'because that's what Muslim's do', as she pushed her new book, another assault on liberals. Sean Hannity giggled and egged her on. FOX at it's best...

I really love watching

the Nuggets lately. Fantastic talent and winning about every game, since we got Chauncey ( I know that's not him in the pic). BUT, tonight they are in Dallas, and the officials SUCK! They are stealing the game. Calling fouls that aren't there and not calling one's that are. I love the NBA, but in no other sport can the officials steal it, like the zebras do, especially in Dallas. Denver may still win, but it's not gonna be easy. Just don't be so OBVIOUS, you crooked refs... Even with the crooks in black and white, Dallas lost when they scored only two points in seven minutes in the fourth quarter, so it turned out OK, but I just don't understand how the officials can get away with being SO biased at times. It's ruining the game.

Obama introduced his Energy chief,

a Nobel prize winning scientist, who is known as a great administrator. After a couple of good questions from the press corp, the third guy asked about the gov from Illinois who is under indictment, and Obama replied the Justice Dept has asked him not to answer any questions on the matter at this time. Fine. Fast forward to FOX, immediately following the press conference. Their FIRST comment, on the entire interview was, "Obama is still ducking the Blagojevich issue. He must have something to hide. Remember this is Chicago, where 4 out 2 people voted for Obama" The bastards are shameless, irresponsible, and TOTALLY consistent. Sleazeballs, forever, but what else is new. One person IS happy with Blago, though. Daisy Mae Mooseburger, the trailer park Barbie, called and thanked him, for replacing her, as the most embarassing governor in the country.

Slight miscalculation

Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld said we'd be greeted with flowers, not Florscheim's. At least they finally found MWD's. Mass weapons of degradation. Shoes! The ultimate tool of humiliation in that world. Bush looked into the reporter's eyes, and 'saw his sole', coming straight at his head! Twice!

W, finally showed some good moves,

as an Iraqi reporter who had lost family members to Bush's 'oops, bad information' war, threw his shoes, the ultimate insult in that part of the world, and Georgie boy ducked out of the way. If only it was so easy to 'duck out' of what he has done to us, and the world. Too bad, W, you're stuck w/your legacy. Worst ever, in SO MANY ways. WOW, who coulda seen this comin'? Anyone but a total idiot, that's who. But that doesn't disqualify alot of you...


The federal government is refusing to identify the recipients of $2 trillion in emergency loans, and media groups have filed suit under the Freedom of Information Act to force the government to disclose how it's spending money under the biggest intervention in the economy since the Great Depression. The Bushies, the worst crooks in the history of our country, are doing one HUGE final raid on the Treasury. Two Trillion dollars the lame duck administration has handed out, and they won't say who got it. FOX ignores this, as they run 6 year old footage of Blagojevich and Obama together, insinuating the worst. UNBELIEVABLE, until you consider who/what Bush and FOX are actually all about .

Instead of watching commercials,

sometimes I'll switch over to FOX to see what's going on there. Part of the reason is that they have a pretty slick news department, good looking female reporters, and interesting stories. The main reason, though, is to see how they ALWAYS put their slant on the news. Their company-wide memoranda, the last couple of days, HAD to be, 'smear Obama with the Blagojevich story', and, my oh my, have they jumped on that with enthusiasm. Even though the Feds said he was not involved at all. and one of Blag's quotes stated, all the Obama people would give me was 'appreciation', every one of the talking heads at FOX is relentlessly showing pics of the two of them at the same event, talking, etc. and continually bringing up 'typical Chicago politics, of which Obama is a part'. IF, there's a connection, which I doubt, THEN report it. But that's not the FOX way. Sleaze and slander and implication. What a bunch of sleazeballs....

Found out today

that I have 'alot' of gallstones, but none of the ducts are blocked, so that is good. Dr said I could probably get by with a low fat diet, which is a good idea, anyway, and if I wanted to avoid trouble in the future, I should have my gall bladder removed, BUT, there was no big hurry. He recommended lining up a surgeon and anesthesiologist, which I have done, and get their prices in writing. He was as shocked as I was at the prices of the hospital rooms, for out-patient surgery, cash up front, and pointed me toward day-surgery possibilities. All in all, a good day. Stomach is bettter ever day, as it looks like the stone, or whatever it was, passed, this time. Am gonna get all my ducks in a row, in case I need a quick gall bladder removal, (or anything else) and it's been a great education. The ultra-sound this morning was for my entire abdominal area, and for $146 cash, final price, they checked out all my major arteries and veins, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, etc....

I tried to ignore

my stomach problem, and have a dinner with my kids on Sat night. Had some REALLY good Chineses food and felt OK for awhile, but it didn't last long. Finally got to sleep and today am trying to eat kinda normally, but lightly, during the day, then a very light dinner, early, and see if that works. Just have to retrain my stomach, I guess.

As of today,

not dead yet, but not better either. Am leaning toward the latter, though. Two Dr's appts on Monday, so maybe I'll know more then.

Maybe some good news

Yesterday, Dr Leistikow said I have a gallstone, and sent me to get an ultrasound, then to plan on having my gall bladder removed today. Well, I called around and was quoted $940, $720 and then, $196, at the last place, if I paid cash, BUT they couldn't get to me 'til this morning. Problem is, I had a pretrial hearing for the traffic ticket I am pleading 'not guilty' to, and it was too late to get out of it. So, I went to court, and 'voila', I am feeling better for the first time in about a week. Still am going thru with the trial, BUT, the fact that I had it going on probably saved me from rushing into surgery. I have been massaging my gall bladder area, tring to move a probable blockage from a stone, and as I have been doing it, it has hurt less and today, the pain is nearly gone, which makes me think it may have passed. 'Tis a good weight-loss method, (not being able to eat), as I lost 12 lbs this week, but I'm not reommending it. Just saying, again, ...

I can't remember,

the last time I've felt this bad for this long. It may be a gallstone. Hopefully, the Dr can tell me what's wrong, AND fix me up, this Weds. 'Twas the soonest I could get in. Even better, maybe I can be over it by then. All I know, is, that the only time I feel OK is when I'm laying down. Sorry to complain, but this is getting old...

After watching the amazing Nat'l Security Team

put together by Obama, I was interested to see how FOX would react to this diverse group of well qualified individuals, including the hard core Marine, Jones, and Bush's Robert Gates. The low life scum at FOX reacted just like I thought they would. They went totally negative, bringing up campaign rhetoric between Obama and Clinton during the heat of battle. OF COURSE they weren't gonna recognize the incredible mess their boy has left to us, BUT to giggle amongst themselves as they rehashed Obama's remarks about Hilary, Give me a break, you slimeballs...

A reminder, from my apt in Houston

Across from my desk, where I spent most of my time, I had my cowboy hat, to remind me of the great outdoors in Colorado, and a verse of scripture that helped me thru the tuff times. I just gotta remember to 'claim it' more often...

I was expecting alot,

and wasn't disappointed. Thanksgiving at the 'mountain Olson's' continues to be a fantastic event. With the great house, amzing hospitality, delicious food, AND an exceptional concert, this year featuring Laura's sister Kelly, who used to be first chair violin, once a year just isn't enough. Good to see Bud and Alex are still doing well, though I'm not sure how much Alex is enjoying college in Gunnison. Other than lousy food, no girls and 'nothing to do', I think he's having a 'mahvelous' time, after being red-shirted his freshman year. Hope it works out for him, cause he's a good kid. Thanks, kids, for another wonderful Thanksgiving, AND for the bunch of leftovers you sent home w/us. Yu musta read my blog, huh?

I think it is my favorite holiday

Thanksgiving, that is. When we pause to give thanks for our many blessings, which in my case, FamGuy, is my family. Immediate and extended. I have been so fortunate. Am also thankful for our health and for this beautiful part of the world we call home. AND, it is a great excuse to eat a bunch of great food. And then the leftovers, mmmm. SO, wishing all my readers (both of you), a wonderful time together with your loved ones and some great leftovers...

No wonder,Barbara Bush had an ulcer attack.

Can you imagine, as she lies in bed, trying to sleep, and she sees the amount of suffering her son has inflicted upon the people of the world? No wonder she has a bleeding ulcer. She must feel TERRIBLE! OMG, what have we done, she must think. The world is SO different, in so many BAD ways, because of her son. Sorry, Barbara, but it's only right you should feel a small part of the pain that W has created.

Brother, can ya' spare a dime?

UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WEEKLY CLAIMS REPORT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED DATA-In the week ending Nov. 22, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 529,000, a decrease of 14,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 543,000. The 4-week moving average was 518,000, an increase of 11,000 from the previous week's revised average of 507,000. That is over 2 million per month, NEW unemployment claims! If you have a job, be thankful, because there's alot of people don't. Where does it end? Who knows, but it ain't gonna be pretty...

There's a reason

that drilling hasn't been allowed in the 'Arches Nat'l Monument' area of Utah. This place is 'off the chart' beautiful. We drive though it every time we go to Lake Powell. If you haven't seen it, you can't imagine it. Truly unique, in our Nat'l Park's program. BUT, the Bushies are trying to get their oil drilling buddies into this park. To see oil derricks in this landscape is sacreligious, BUT, that makes me a bleeding heart liberal, I guess. I just don't understand why the Big Oil companies have the right to mess up true wilderness.... Never mind, it's because the "Big Boy's "can add a few extra million to their balance sheets. BUT, it's gonna mess up a truly beautiful landscape...

The talking heads at FOX

are having a great time, amongst themselves, disparaging Obama and the Dems, because they are bringing some familiar faces into the cabinet, after advocating "change". You jerks just don't get it. The "change" had to do with Bush and his cronies. It's not like the Dems needed change, the COUNTRY needed change. What a bunch of idiots...

As I watch, the ads,

on FOX, for Aspercreme, and Activon, those ointments you rub on your 'hurts', I realize how FOX can relate to their constituency. NO WAY aspirin can work, if it is applied topically (on the skin, for you FOX people) BUT, that is the group they advertise to. Acetylsalicylic acid ONLY works thru the bloodstream, BUT, for the FOX audience, who doesn't have a clue, no problem. They are disciples of Bush, the no-science guy. They deserve what they get..

Don't know who

had the most fun, Bailey or me, as I played 'cat and mouse', with her. I have a toy mouse, tied on a fishing line, and I pull it across the floor. She hides, and twitches, then attacks. I call it 'cat fishing', and we both have fun. She is SO fast...


Where are you Bush apologists, who were so vocal during the last few years? I know you're still there, just lurking in the shadows. Speak up. Please. Defend your boy...

Could this be true?

I Tevo'd it twice, cause I couldn't believe it, BUT, the real news is, that last week, there were 542,000 NEW unemployment claims filed. Over half a million in one week. Please tell me I'm wrong, but I'm not, unfortunately, AND, it's only gonna get worse. Our gov't is funded by taxes, from working people, and when that dries up, PLUS having to pay out all kinds of NEW benefits, to the recently unemployed and returning veterans, plus Medicare, etc, WTF? Off the charts, and it's only gonna get worse. Just think how many businesses are just trying to hang on thru the Christmas buying season. February is gonna be brutal. However, if you were in Big Oil, defense contracts, or a financial FatCat, you're gonna be OK. I knew W was a total disaster, but even I didn't know how bad he'd screwed us.

She did it again

Bailey caught a mouse, and took it to her favorite toy, to play with. She drops the mouse in the outer ring, and bops the mouse into the ball, then the ball into the mouse, making it run around the edge, where she plays with it. The mouse seemed totally unharmed, when I released it outside, but I bet it's little mousie brain was a bit addled. P.S. When she carries the mouse, it is with the head deep in her mouth, and the tail hanging out the front. A LOVELY look, for a kitty, as well as a memorable experience for a mouse.

After a historic day on Wall St,

hitting new lows, FOX had a financial special where they interviewed Karl Rove about the current disaster. In Karl's (totally unbiased) opinion, this market crash is the fault of Nancy Pellosi and those other Democrats who wanna 'give away the ranch'. Hey Karl? Think maybe the problem just MIGHT lie with your buddy W, and the bunch of crooks you 'pal around with'? We all know it's 'Obama's Recession' (just ask Rush), BUT, ya' think Bush, with his 8 years of looting the country, might be just a tiny bit responsible? Nah, I didn't think so...

Was flipping thru the channels,

when I came upon some 'rasslin'. You know, the fake stuff where the muscle bound steroid freaks break fake chairs over each other, and it reminded me of something. Wrestling is a real-world sport, practiced by high school and college athletes, as well as Olympians. The perverted version is a sort of freak show that some people enjoy watching. Nothing wrong with that, but don't get it confused with the real thing. Just like FOX News. If you wanna watch some entertaining fake stuff, fine. Just don't get it confused with the real thing. There're actually folks out there, that think they are both real, (rassling and FOX), but only in Red States, of course...

A Fresh, New, Steaming Pile,

is the latest assault on reality, perpetrated by Bill-O, of the famous Faux-news network. If there is a more blatant attempt at re-creating reality, please let me know. I can't imagine anything funnier...

The Plum Book,

is a list of jobs, that the new administration must fill. It includes some marginal jobs, that FOX News had a great time 'making fun of', as they pointed out some fringe-area jobs that paid pretty well. As the FOX News guys giggled amongst themselves, they failed to point out, that ALL these jobs (giggle, giggle) are currently held by Bush appointees. They conveniently forgot about W's college roommate (You're doing a Great Job, Brownie), who he appointed as head of FEMA, after he was a failed leader of the Arabian Horse Council. Just didn't seem relevant, I guess, when you're doing a 'hit piece', like FOX is famous for...

Bailout? For who?

Instead of dealing with 'troublesome loans', the Repub front guy, Hank Paulson has flip-flopped, and, contrary to what the $ was appropriated for, is using the hundreds of billions of dollars to buy bank stocks. As always, if you wanna know what's going on, 'follow the money'. Hmmm... I wonder who profits from this program? Maybe the owners of bank stocks? Who owns most bank stocks? Fatcat bank officers who have seen their portfolios shrink because of their greedy, short term plan to make a killing with subprime loans? SOOO, now they get a blank check to prop up their stock portfolios, and the gov't HOPES they will begin loaning again, BUT, they haven't. Good thing the Repubs, the financially responsible party, is in charge. If not, we might have a real mess...

But FOX has a full-time Liberal....

Just as the Harlem Globetrotters had the Washington Generals, (who unlike Alan Colmes, actually won ONE game), FOX has a token liberal to push around, whose "whole job is to lose every argument." After the president declared "Mission Accomplished" in 2003, Colmes said, "Now that the war in Iraq is over, shouldn't the people in Hollywood who opposed the president admit they were wrong?," Typical liberal sentiment if I ever heard it. Just as there are people who believe the earth is flat, and that Saddam was behind 9-11, there are those who believe the drivel from FOX. P.T. Barnum was right, there IS a sucker born every minute, and now they have a place to congregate...

Outfoxed, The Movie

Image Here's a 2 minute 'taste'.

If you can handle the truth,

read about Rupert Murdoch, the man with the $$ behind FOX news, as well as George W Bush and the Iraq War. No one in the world has such control over the news SO MANY people get, from TV, radio and newspapers. Ya' wonder why FOX is so consistently Republican, no matter what the issue? Read how he uses it for his own profit, as he pays almost no taxes from his off-shore headquarters. Remember, $$ = power, and he has both, using it to pervert the news to support his special interests and politicians. BUT, there are those out there who think ALL OTHER news is prejudiced, but HIS tells the truth. UNbelievable, but true. Wake up, people...

Another side effect

to W's adventure in Iraq. The Rocky Mountain News' lead article yesterday, told how 9 different soldiers from the 4th Infantry Div, from Ft Carson, CO, have been charged with murder, in the Colorado Springs area, after returning from Iraq. Most, but not all, had the same MO. A marginal recruit, never acceptable until W trashed our military, returns home with post traumatic stress syndrome (over 30% of troops), from repeated tours in a surreal war zone, and SURPRISE, has a hard time adjusting to civilian life, SO, they revert to what they have been trained to do. Kill. I gotta think this is not limited to Colorado Springs, but we are gonna see alot of this, and lesser crimes, thoughout our country, as these guys come home to a jobless economy that has been wrecked by the same cowboy. Thanks, George, you've given us SO MUCH to remember you by....


Just saw on FOX news, that according to the 60 Minutes program, Obama's FIRST priority was to 'save the economy', including bailing out the Big 3. WRONG! I saw the show. He was asked, point blank, 'What is your number one priority?" He didn't stutter. He plainly said, "National security, keeping the country safe during the transition, is my first priority, because we are particularly vulnerable during this time." I thought, at the time, 'This oughta make the right-wingers happy.' BUT, that answer didn't fit in with the FOX piece about him having to pay back the unions for his election victory in 'Union States'. SO, FOX just LIED, and made up a quote to fit their latest rant. Out and out liars! But what else is new...

Did anyone else

see 60 Minutes, tonight? An hour long interview w/Barack Obama. Amazing. The quiet confidence, understated strength and undeniable intelligence just radiates from him. I just don't understand how anyone could look at him, with anything approaching impartiality and not be impressed. What a change. The obstacles are HUGE and numerous, but if there is anyone who could rise to the occasion, I just get the feeling that we have the right guy at the right time. I just wonder if he has an S on his chest, cause that's what it's gonna take, to clean up the mess that W left.

Instead of 'Fair and Balanced',

if 'truth in adverstising' was enforced, FOX would have to have a truthful moniker. In a rare moment of lucidity, on 5-24-05, W admitted, one of his main tasks was, to 'catapult the propaganda'. (Look it up). In that, I think we may have found FOX'S true motto. I would love to see some truth from FOX, and have them admit what their main job is. They are a well-oiled propaganda machine, and VERY good at it. A fun-to-watch production, with beautiful women and great technology. Love 'em or hate 'em, at least recognize 'em for what they are. A non-apologetic propaganda machine. I just wish, instead of the laughable, 'Fair and Balanced', we could see a truthful label. "FOX News, Catapulting the Propaganda." Yeah, that works...

Not that anyone's asking me,

but, if they were, I wouldn't know how to answer. Are the Big 3, (U.S. carmakers) worth saving? I've flipflopped, an unforgivable sin, according to some, several times, but now, am leaning toward letting them fail. At least let them slide into bankruptcy and try to renegotiate their contracts with labor, suppliers and retirees. The main tenant of capitalism is to reward what works, and let fail that which doesn't. BUT, some say, the failure of one or more of the Big 3, with all the peripheral damage, would cause job losses in the milions. So be it, I say, (at this moment), because it is gonna happen sooner or later, and it may as well be sooner, to get it over with. Let new technology and ideas take over where the old didn't work. Easy for me to say. I don't live in Detroit....


is a complicated science, BUT, our current situation isn't that complicated. It took a long time to get into this mess, and it's gonna take a long time to get out. A long, ugly time. There hasn't been a time like this since the 1920's. Don't shoot the messenger. You think the economy is bad? Give it a year, or two. This is gonna be the 'good ol' days'. Sorry, but that's how it is...

Good news, bad news

Good news, I was able to recognize a truly great wine, and track it down. Bad news, the wine merchant lied to me, and they DON'T have it stock and can't get it. The distributor is sold out. Oh well, I have a challenge. The German Reisling, Saint M, 2006, seems to be very popular, for a reason. VERY special wine, and I WILL find it. Good place to start my personal wine cellar....

As much as I hate to admit it,

I see myself becoming a bit of a 'wine snob'. There was a time when I couldn't tell the difference between good wine and swill, but now the swill isn't good enough for my spoiled palate. Good or bad? I don't know, but it IS. I can see how a good wine cellar could be one of life's greatest pleasures. Not that I could ever have one, BUT, it would be nice. Certain vintages, from the best grapes, grown on blessed sun drenched slopes, and subject to the vintner's art... AHHH, to be a coineseur of fine wine...

Friday nite date review

New James Bond flick, 'Quantum of Solace, was good, but not great. Great action and scenery, really like Daniel Craig as the new Bond, and a really bad, bad guy, BUT, the plot was too convoluted to follow, and the action got in the way of the story. Dinner at Bloom's, to celebrate (?) my new job, starting Tuesday, was excellent. Would really recommend the duck, with 'drunken cherry' sauce, BUT, the highlight was the wine. A German Reisling, called Saint M. Strange name, but, WOW. My new favorite wine...

Finally, when we travel,

it's gonna be different, when we go through Heathrow, or other international ports of call. When that passport inspector sees I'm from the U.S., he can give me a grin, as he congratulates me on our new president. No more telling my kids, as I did when they traveled, "Sew a Canadian flag on your backpack, so you don't take a chance on being labeled as a Bush supporter." I gotta admit though, as we traveled, most foreigners gave a us a pass, and realized he, and the religious right, had hijacked our government, and hoped, as I did, that it was temporary. Now, as Garrison Keillor says, is not a time for gloating, but for congratulating ourselves on correcting a terrible national wrong. Let's just hope the hole that Bush left us in, isn't TOO deep, to crawl out of...

Just got back

from pleading 'not guilty, your honor', to driving 45 in a 25 MPH Construction Zone. Was headed north on Sheridan Blvd, north of 144th, where it winds thru the country, and the speed limit is 45. Was driving 45 and came upon a Construction Zone-25 MPH- Fines Doubled, sign. There were a few orange cones, NO construction vehicles or workers, and a Police vehicle. Instead of hitting the brakes, as I maybe should have done, I decided to gradually slow down, as there was obviously no work going on. Next thing I know, flashing lights behind me and I have a ticket for 45 in a 25. I continued on my way, getting some seats for Matt's Bronco, fuming about the speed trap, and decided to get a picture for my defense. By the time I got back, ready to take a picture with my phone, there was no cop, no cones, and obviously no sonstruction. Seems the cop was sitting on a productive speed trap, after the workers had left, and before the cones were picked up. Unfair, I say, and will ...

A follow up, here.

I caught an episode of Bill O'Reilly, one of the scariest guys syndicated today, and saw, how he intimidated his guest, who said the economy is 'really bad'. Bill's take? "Isn't it YOUR fault, and those like you, for making this seem worse than it is"? No shit. That's FOX answer to the problem. It's not 8 years of corrupt gov't, it's that damn liberal press that reports on it, that is the problem. UNNbelievable, but typical FOX..

Even though I don't listen

to Rush Limbaugh, as the mere sound of his voice makes my stomach turn, I saw a clip on the Financial Channel, today, featuring the beligerant buffoon. He was stating, in his usual loud-mouth fashion, how this latest economic downturn should be called the Obama Recession, because, it is obviously his fault. (I swear, that's what he said). We wouldn't be in trouble, Rush said, if it weren't for his election and his ideas that the markets are afraid of. UNNNNbelievable, but I'm sure sure his dittoheads were lapping it up and agreeing with his acute financial acumen. It couldn't be 8 years of the worst leadership in the history of our country? NO. It's those damn Democrats, who have had so much power during the last administration. Am I surprised that this jerk could even come up with such an accusation? Of course not! That is what Rush (and FOX) is all about. Tell the big lie often enough, and a certain ignorant, uninformed % of the public will agree with you. It ...

It's 'That Day', again

Laura's 'favorite' day of the year, when we meet for meat. Not sure how many years in a row it has been, but a has been a bunch, as we get together the first weekend after the hunt, and process the elk into burger and stew meat. Gotta admit, we've gotten pretty good at it, and if 'the proof is in the pudding', we are experts. Another freezer full of white packages to supply the best protein imaginable for the next year. Someday, not soon I hope, this tradition will pass, and, we'll have to buy our meat in grocery stores like the rest of the world, but until then, here's to elk, the best meat in the world.

As I hunted my way through the woods,

earlier this week, I came upon this high country pond, and decided to take a picture, after I had taken a nap. Tried to capture the beauty/solitude of a perfect afternoon in the Rockies. Maybe you had to be there, but 'twas a truly beautiful part of God's green earth. Not far from there, at a place I named 'Vista Ridge', you could see over 50 miles, in three different directions. Amazing... After 3 days in the woods, and hauling out 2 elk, we celebrated (with Apple Jacks), our last night in camp, as the rain turned into snow. The next day, it was off to Steamboat Springs, cleaning up in a suite at the Hampton Inn, then soaking in the natural hot springs at Strawberry Park, after which we met Bugs, at a local Steakhouse, where Inward Charles (Matt) treated us to microbrews and a fantastic meal. And some people wonder why I hunt??

A 'weighted' map,

showing red/blue states, based on population. Let's just pretend that better education=higher income=more choices as to where you live. Could there be any doubt that those who have CHOICES in life choose to live in the blue areas, leaving the red states to those who don't? Obviously not everyone, but as a group. A tough concept for you red staters to understand/believe, BUT, to anyone who can understand economics and the laws of statistics, this map speaks volumes about education/income, as PROVEN by property values, vs poverty/gullibility, which happens to be W's base. You can't make this stuff up, just as you can't present a rational argument against it...

OK, one more reality check

When you look at the mess our country is in, there are several culprits, but NOTHING like the damage that the high price of oil did to us. Bush's contributor's/buddies had free reign to manipulate the market, and they did, TO THE MAX, taking oil from under $25, to over $140/barrel. There was NEVER a shortage. That, along with changed rules in the financial markets, a war based on lies, that turned the world against us, and also allowed for 'a killing' for his friends, doomed our economy, as it made his buddies rich beyond belief. I can only hope our country can survive the looting of our treasury for the enrichment of the oil/military/financial complex, that is the base of W and his buddies. I just wonder, seriously, if we have been wounded, beyond our ability to heal. I hope not....

This is my buddy, Matt,

at the wheel of his Bronco, hauling his pop-up, after he shot both elk we got this year. Other than being a bit politically obtuse, though not as bad as before, he is an EXCELLENT hunting buddy, and all-around good friend. Not sure how many years (22?) that we've hunted together, but I doubt if there's anyone, outside of prison, who has a better success rate. Thanks, buddy, for putting up with me, all these years.

Elk camp, 2008

Note, there is no snow, (but this picture was taken early in the trip). We got our favorite campsite, all to ourselves, beside a lovely stream (great sleep sounds), in a camp with southern exposure. Five days of hiking and hunting, eating and drinking, thinking and talking, with my best buddies. 'Twas so nice to get away from the stress of Houston/work to just chill out in the Rockies. After 37 years in a row, will be a sad day when I can't make the trip, so am enjoying it 'to the max' while I can. The best part? Spending time with, and enjoying the company of, my son, who turned out to be a pretty good kid, if I do say so myself..

OK, I think I'm done

bashing Bush and FOX News. It is too easy and too obvious. Just kidding, I could NEVER stop. Way too much passion against the WMD, (against MY country) who goes by 'W', for short. The election is over, the good guys won, and as the lame duck drags his lame ass into the sunset, let's just hope he hasn't damaged our country beyond repair.

Doonesbury, today,

has a cartoon of guys watching TV news. "We've never seen anything like this. There are celebrations in the streets everywhere around the world, some bordering on euphoric" Now let's turn to FOX. "Coming up. Terrorist fist-bumps around the world." Seriously, only 3 countries ( Phillipines, Georgia and Israel, ALL dependent on US $) in the entire world (out of 140?) supported John McCain for prez. A lasting legacy of W and the Repubs. I can only guess FOX news must not push their propaganda overseas, OR, they are seen as too blatantly biased for anyone to take them seriously. Oops. I forgot. They are "Fair and Balanced'. Riiiiiiight.....

Am SO tired,

after hiking miles through the mountains, the last few days, and sleeping little, BUT, don't want to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity, to watch the Bush party get their asses kicked, on live TV. It feels SO good, after watching those crooks, backed by FOX news, drag MY country down the tubes for the last few years. Just listen. You can hear the whole world rejoicing that the cowboy conman and his corrupt henchmen are gone.

Great article on AOL

about Bush, the invisible man, who has totally disappeared from public view. SURPRISE! The idiot who is the standard bearer for Repubs, is hiding out, these days. Does that tell you something?

How HUGE is this?

Am watching the votes come in, and it looks like a landslide for Obama. Who coulda guessed that people would turn out in droves to vote against Bush and his cronies? Finally, some justification for the outrage I, and many others, have felt againt that idiot, and those who supported him. Only about 15% of votes in, BUT, the writing is on the wall. The triumph of education and enlightenment vs. the right wing fear machine. About time...

Another update

Kari is home, since last night, and doing pretty well, I think. Visited her on the way home from elk trip, which was FANTASTIC. Got 2 elk, had great weather, and really needed the 'campfire time', w/my best buddy and son. Was a boring trip, as opposed to WAY too interesting, like last year. Got pics and stories, LATER....

Quick update on Kari

Headed back to the hospital this morning for an 11:00 surgery to put a new valve in the shunt system in her head. Seems the old one is faulty, and has been draining way too much cerebral-spinal fliud into her abdomen. They have wasted days/weeks/months, trying everything else, while Kari has been incapacitated with a 'bad valve'. Headaches so bad she's throwing up this morning, but she seems in a much better mood, because finally they seem to be getting to the real problem. Let's hope they get it right this time.

Saw a quote I liked, which said,

basically, "most Republicans live in an alternate universe formed by the bellicose beligerance of Rush Limbaugh and the low rent bullying of Bill O'Reilly". Talk about hitting the nail on the head. Those FOX News viewers, who believe the Repub owned propaganda machine actually is a legitimate news network are unable to grasp the reality that 90% of news organizations aren't a liberal plot. They just report the news as it happens, and don't have to put 'fair and balanced' after their name, as if that makes it true. FOX News, what a joke, if it weren't so sad....

Spent the whole day at the hospital,

again. Bottom line, the Dr.'s found out Kari's shunt tube was partially blocked at her abdomen, but didn't know why, so they repositioned it. They then closed her up with glue, which never works, and they said they wouldn't do again, BUT because there is no communication, the info didn't get communicated. Also, she was in terrible pain, for hours afterward, because of miscommunication about what and how much pain medication to give. The resident in charge decided to give her IV caffeine, because he thought it could be a caffein headache. That kept her awake all night, in pain. Finally found out, after 12 hours of intense pain and crying, that she was getting 25% of her normal dose of Dilaudid, that was a minimum to kill the pain. She had also told them that Percocet/Percodan/morphine DOESN'T work for her, only Vicodan. So what did she get. Percocet, at a low dosage. Also, she is allergic to Vancomycin, and has to get Benadryl with it, or breaks out in a rash, wi...

Made it home,

in record time, from Houston. My favorite view, in this whole beautiful world, is the 'storm' city, where I have endured so much, in my REAR VIEW MIRROR! Nothing is so wonderful. The feeling of hitting the road, with my family, home and life (not to mention my kitty) at the end of the road, makes the miles just melt away. Have been home less than 3 hours, but am mainly unpacked and have begun putting out the final fires that followed me home from Houston. All in all, not a terrible trip, but, like real life, could have been better. Will write more when I get the chance, but LOTS to do now. Kari goes in for another (#14?) surgery tomorrow. Later....

Two stories.

one good, one bad. The good one. Whatever left over ice cream bars I leave, are gone, SO, I'm eatin them. Yummm..The bad? The McCain news bite, about the white girl, molested and carved with a (backwards) B, by a black Obama supporter on her face, was all a hoax. Surprise! The Repubs are getting desparate. Look out, anything is possible. Just ask Willie Horton and the Swift Boat people. Don't misunderestimate them. They are sleazy, with a capital S...

Here I am,

leaving Texas in the morning, having aged about 5 years in the last couple of months. Not ALL bad, but mostly, bad. I think I am gonna come out of this with a pretty good long term job with USAA, in northern Colorado. Was it worth it? Very questionable. Only time will tell, but at this point, feeling VERY used, by the system. I learned a LOT, and that's worth something. Will never take home for granted again. Pray for me, as I am on the road, tomorrow, and the next day, and who knows what's gonna happen. Bottom line, has been VERY interesting, and that's what I was looking for, as I left home, on this latest adventure. Could be worse, lots of people lead BORING lives. NOT me...

Strange twist, to my adventure,

came today, when the apt mgr, with an assistant, in case there was trouble, handed me an eviction notice. Seems my guy, Martin, who sublet me this apt, hasn't paid the rent for the last 2 months. The good news... They are kicking me out the same day I was planning to leave. Am gonna do the same insurance gig, from the comfort of my own home. Looks like my new territory is northern Colorado, instead of Houston, TX. Will let you know...

Am a little scared,

for Obama. Have seen what happened to JFK and RFK when they got in the way of this crowd. Way too much $$ involved for the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Bush crew to just walk away, and there's no other way they're gonna win. Scary, and maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist, but I'm just saying, "Let's be careful out there."

Just realized,

who may be reading this blog, so am pulling some stuff down. Big Brother IS out there... (OK, now it's gone) amazing this has to be part of the mentality of a blogger in AMERICA. But, it's true....

Just quick post,

while I wait for Carol to pack, then I'll be taking her to the airport after a fantastic weekend, that went by way too fast. We saw 'W', the movie, and I gotta admit I was very much surprised by the way Oliver Stone made him look. I came away with a more sympathetic view of the guy, even though he has screwed us all, 'big time'. He may have done it with good motives, but just stupid tactics, who knows. I still see him as a shill of Big Oil and the military machine, but maybe he was more of a pawn, being used by the Cheney-Rumsfeld crew, rather than actively leading us 'down the path'. Who knows. Bottom line, these last 8 years have been a disaster that we will paying for, for a long time. Was just kinda surprised by Stone's take on it. Was expecting a more critical view of the cowboy conman....

On AOL news this morning,

a couple of good stories. First, about Joe the plumber, on whom McCain based most of his debate strategy. Seems he isn't even a licensed plumber, and second, he would be better off under Obama's tax plan. Sorta like McCain's vice presidential pick. Impulsive and wrong. Next, there was a review of 'W', the new Oliver Stone flic. What a gold mine for a film producer. W, a walking, talking tragedy, that is funny in a way, if you don't count what he has cost us. Should be an interesting movie. Enough stuff for now, gotta get to work, as W is in the background, on TV, assuring us he has everything in control. Don't know about you, but it sure makes me feel better...

An unusual, THANK YOU

to George Bush. You have been such a total loser, that you have cost the Repubs not only the presidential election, but also the legislature. Definitely not worth the long term damage you've done, but one has to look for the 'silver lining'. The Big Question? Can we survive your legacy? Maybe, maybe not. It's gonna be real tough for a LONG time. NEVER has anyone caused SO MUCH long term damage. The good news, it's gonna make us survivors that much tougher. A Darwinian legacy for the 'no science' guy. Would be funny if it weren't so sad...

A modern day record

set by our man W. The worst approval rating EVER! Wow. Who coulda seen this comin'? As I have said, over and over, this clown did more damage to my country than ANYONE in the history of the United States. Without a doubt, the worst thing to ever happen to our country. But, the good news, he's history... Not that I'm a huge Obama fan, or dislike McCain that much. Am just SO happy to realize that cowboy conman is on his way into the sunset. Whew.. We ALMOST didn't survive him, but his legacy is gonna hurt us, and our children, for decades...

Another Saturday night,

and I ain't got nobody..., Just spoke w/Carol, who was with the kids, though nobody took the time to speak w/me. Kinda hurt, but hey, they are having a good time, and I am far away.. Was gonna go out, but takes too much time. Can close a claim in the time it takes to travel and wait. Bottom line, work til I'm too tired, then do it all again tomorrow. Could be worse...

Another day in GroundhogDay-ville,

the Bill Murray movie. I live it. The alarm goes off, it's not Sonny and Cher, BUT, it takes a millisecond to figure out where I am, then it hits me. I am HERE and NOW. I am in Houston, TX, not my home on a golf course, with my wife, in Colorado, and it's gonna be another one of those days. Not complaining. Many people have it MUCH worse, but it is not my normal life, and it always takes a little while to get used to it when I wake up. The good news. I finally found a REALLY good Chinese Buffet. That is HUGE in my world. Every few days, I can hork out on good salad, vegies, and sushi. Life is good, for awhile, anyway. As I say, not complaining, but it always takes me a while to get used to a new environment, and I am getting close. Am entering the 'sweet spot', of the storm. PTL...

This is crazy...

Here I am, far from home, and the financial world (worldwide) is in meltdown stage. WOW. Who coulda seen this coming? Anyone who watched W and his policies at work, and had a brain that's who. Is that you??? It's been so obvious for so long. Kinda hard to feel sorry for anyone who was surprised by it, although a BUNCH of innocent people, as well as you guilty Bush supporters, are gonna suffer, BIG time for a LONG time. Gotta believe God is in charge, and He put that idiot in charge for a reason. The big meltdown's gotta be a part of His plan. Hold on tight, it's gonna get real ugly, before it gets better.

What a waste,

of time, that I don't have. My ATT Laptop Connect card is next to worthless, as I keep getting kicked off-line, at the worst times. SOO, I signed up for a package with cable TV and HiSpeed internet, which I tried to hook thru my wireless router, BUT, someone entered the wrong Mac address at the cable co, so nothing worked. Wasted hours, until I finally got hold of a tech guy who found the problem. Finally works. Yahoo!! I can get on-line, which is crucial. Still no cable TV, but I can live with that, for awhile. Can you believe this stock market tank job? THANKS GEORGE. I still think silver is gonna do well as the US $ gets totally diluted. We'll see. Time to take a break...

Early morning post

cause I don't feel like starting work yet. 'Tis s'posed to start raining pretty soon, so that would be a good excuse to postpone inspections today, and I could sorta catch up on writing estimates., which would be nice. I have a rookie 'odditer' who rejects my file if it's not 100% at every line, unlike other auditers I hear of, who really care about getting something done. He's making it much tougher than it needs to be and is costing me SO much in wasted time redoing little stuff. Oh well, it's gotta/gonna get better. Being so busy during this national, now international financial crisis has kept me from watching and reacting with my investments. Had actually been pretty well positioned, as I have been saying for years, as you have been reading here (both of you), that Bush and his crew have wrecked this country/economy in ways that will take years to play out, as the stock market sets all-time record losses, daily. As I have said, this recession is gon...

Got a date tonight,

with Steve Burns, another Colorado adjuster, I met at our first meeting in Houston. He's a former USAA staff guy, who really knows the system, and has helped me, 'a bunch'. We originally planned to get together this Sat nite, go out for a nice dinner, and just forget the fact we are Colo guys, stuck in Houston, for who knows how long. BUT, we are gonna have a meeting, do some business, and I'm fixing steak and shrimp w/the fixin's. My first date/visitor to my apt since I got here. Oop's, I forgot the flowers...

Mixed feelings

Spent a whole lotta time today doing mind numbing stuff, and didn't get much done, BUT it was all stuff that had to be done sometime, so, at the end of the day, am glad it's done. Yesterday, my old (2005) GPS got me lost one too many times, and since there is no update for it, (Itried), I pulled into Best Buy and bought a new one, with all the updates. Got on Craigslist, listed my old one and sold it in less than an hour. Cash. I LOVE Craigslist. Time to hit the sack, after only 15 hours, cause I'm exhausted. Gotta start exercising, I tell myself everyday. Tomorrow, I gotta do it....

Good news!

Carol's flying out in a couple of weeks, then I'm flying back for elk season, in Nov. There is life after adjusting! Ground Hog's Day (the movie), is not going to win. Gonna quit at 9:30, after starting before 7...

New poll #'s out

and Obama is up about 10%, BUT look at the polling process. As Carol says, 'Who is at home, during the day, NOT with a cell phone, and willing to talk w/pollsters. Oldsters, that's who. McCain's base. The youngsters, who only have a cell phone, (no land line nec. which pollster's use) aren't included. SO, what's the REAL numbers. MUCH higher Obama. We'll see. Just saying, looks like we aren't gonna get more of McSame. We can only hope and pray. Our country, economy, and way of life, can't survive 4 more years of Bush policies. Let's hope it's not too late, as our economy crashes, after his 'reign of error'...

Break time, again,

Sunday night, at 8:30, after starting before 7 this morning, and I feel like I'm quitting early, but I'm gonna do it. My favorite dinner, crackers (Club, multi grain, yum), canned salmon, with a little wine. Oh yeah, and getting away from the computer. Heaven... Am about 90% online w/the new system and will be 98% within a few days. 'Tis always a tough learning curve, but have gotten thru most of it. As always, "Staying sane is Job One", and I feel I am mostly there. The real world is crowding out my new spiritual life, and am fighting it, but am hoping it's temporary. Just not enuff hours in the day. Oh well, it's time to kick back and stay sane. Luv to all.

OK, am taking a break,

to blog. Got up at 4 this am, (I swear) and have worked steadily til now, 6:30, and am gonna take a break while I eat my canned salmon and crackers for dinner. While I have been immersed in the Ike catastrophe, the economy has been crashing. Gotta say, 'I told you so". GW Bush has taken down more American institutions, including Bear Stearns, Washington Mutual, Merrill Lynch, Fannie May and Freddie Mac, Lehman Bros, and the list goes on and on, than any one EVER. Close 2nd was GHW Bush who took out the Savings and Loan Industry, with his other son, Neil, (remember Silverado, etc). They get in power and change the rules so their fatcat friends can prosper. The entire fincancial system, which survived 2 world wars, and the depression, will be lucky to survive George Bush. Read my blog the last year. I told you this recession would look good when we are in depression. AND IT'S COMING! It's gonna filter on down from house values, to brokerage houses, to banks, to credit ...

Another test

0f my latest camera. This is my work area at my apt. I spend alot of time here....

Too busy to blog

and that's pretty busy. Ususally up and in the pool doing my wake up laps by 6, and only stop for quick homemade meals, sandwiches, soup or canned salmon and crackers, until I crash about 11. BUT, I am making progress and can see a day when I can get back to a normal 14 hour day.

I think I will remember

these last few days, as the time God was finally able to get thru to me, in spite of my stubborness and thick head. He IS real, and I think he likes me, in spite of my many flaws. It's been quite an awakening.

Got up at 5, this morning

and started off with a swim to wake up. Was gonna get a lot done today. At about 7 I picked up a virus, and my computer went crazy. With the help of Ted, who I woke up, and 3 1/2 hours of working on it, it seems I am OK, I hope. We'll see. A virus taking over would be one of my worst nightmares.

Turned a corner today,

that usually takes a lot longer to get to. After working with the TV on in the background, I have come to see how lucky I am. They showed the long lines of people, waiting in the sun, some for over 12 hours, to get an application for food stamps, only to stand in another line, for about as long, to get from $14 to $30 worth. People came out crying when they heard what they got. People with kids, babies, old folks, and some even passed out. This is gonna get ugly(er). There are SO many people that had so little and now have nothing. Houston crossed a milestone today, and got power to 50% of the people. Tha means nearly 2 million DON'T have power, and haven't, for a week. Food in the fridge spoiled long ago. Nearly all businesses in the affected areas are shut down, so people can't work, even if they want to. Traffic is a mess, and today, I lost cell phone usage for several hours in the middle of the day, cause the network was overloaded. BUT, the good news, my attitude has v...

Yesterday, I said,

at least I've got a cell phone that works. For most of today, the network has been overloaded and I can't get any calls out. Bummer. BUT, that means no one can bother me. Gotta always look for the silver lining. Had to clean out my pants when I got home. Almost fell from a roof, today. Scared the ---- outta me, but it is gonna make me more careful, which is always good...

Don't know how,

to say it, BUT, things are pretty strange. My GPS, which usually gets me around when I am lost, is lost itself, about a third of the time. No idea why, but it gets me really lost, and even when it works, I don't trust it any more. In the best of times, traffic in this place is crazy. With traffic lights out, it is NOT the best of times. At least I have elec and a cell phone that works. Also got an AT&T Laptop Connect card. Fantastic. It took the boys at the ATT store almost 2 hours to hook it up. I could NEVER have done it myself as they suggested. I was inside as mobs of people tried to get in, after they locked the doors at 5. The sign said, 'open til 8', on the door, but they closed at 5 so they could honor the curfew and get all employees home in time. No one pays attention to the curfew, not even the cops, but it sure messes up business hours. Won't go into all the stuff, but the reality is starting to set in, and it ain't pretty. Lots of BAD ...

Quite a day,

even in this strange life of mine. Found out Kari is not doing well, and it breaks my heart I am not there with/for her. Lost my room at Candlewood, so got up early, loaded my vehicle, with the ladder on top, and went to my first claim. A HUGE, cut up house, with a 12/12, (steep) roof, with lots of dormers and levels, and the ceiling gone on the 2nd floor, with water damage all over the first floor. Welcome to Houston. Had scheduled an hour and it took 2 1/2. Then saw an easy one, then another 2 story disaster. Barely made an appt to look at an apartment. Looks good, and am moving in tonight, after I get a wireless connect for my computer, cause there is NO INTERNET in the area. Can't pick up one wireless network, and that is VERY unusual. SO, starting out way behind, as usual, but I have learned the first week is always tough, then it gradually gets better, as this will, I HOPE....

Finally got to Houston,

and checked in at Candlewood Suites, where I had a lengthy reservation, and found out that since I didn't honor my original reservation, on the 14th, (there was no power, water, phone or internet) I lost my confirmed reservation to a crew of Public Service, (elec power) guys. Candlewood (Evon) bumped my (confirmed) price from $82 to $119, for the one night I am allowed (maybe 2, IF they have a room.) Am too numb to be pissed. Will cost me most of a day when I have none to lose. Got claims to see, (and write) tomorrow, then gotta find a place to live. What a way to make a living...

Big decision tomorrow

do I go to Houston, leaving a perfectly good room, (w/water and elec) in San Antonio, OR stay with all the goodies of modern life, while paying another $95, to keep the reservation for a room I'm really gonna need later? I go back and forth. I 'm thinkin' water (shower and toilet) and AC and internet may be worth the $$$. At least that's how I'm leaning, now...

For some reason,

I am not able to see my last posts, on FamGuy. I write 'em, click to post, it says 'Successful post', but then nothing shows up. BUT, when I go to the editting section, there it is. Do me a favor, please, if anyone reads this, comment and say you saw it. Thanks

Quite a day

As I left, Lafayette, I could see and feel the fron edge of Ike. Had decided to head north around Houston, but when I got to Beaumont and couldn't find any gas, cause all the stations were closed. I called the Texas State Patrol and asked where I could find some gas, they told me, and while I had 'em on the phone, asked about driving thru Houston. They said it would be easy, as Houston was closed, SO, I breezed right on thru, and drove right on to San Antone. Gotta get unpacked, etc, so will get back later, maybe.

Before I head out,

for San Antonio, just thought I'd do a quick post. Going from Lafayette, La, to San Antonio, avoiding Houston, which ain't gonna be easy, but I'm gonna try, by way of Livingston and Huntsville. Wish me luck, cause it's already starting to blow and rain, and I got a ways to go, potentially with some bad traffic. Will post when I get there...


All of a sudden, it REALLY started rainng here. One of the first bands of hurricane Ike. It's finally getting real. The first of some real wind and rain. Gotta love it...

OK , for the bad news,

When I left Colorado, had just gotten a temporary crown, until the permanent crown was made and installed. BUT, had to leave town, and, the short story, today I was eating some sushi, w/sticky rice, and pulled my temp crown off, bit down on it, destroyed it, and now have a really ugly, sharp, little piece of molar in the back of my mouth. Walked to the local CVS pharmacy and bought some temporary wax to smooth off the edges. Hopefully, UPS will deliver the permanent crown, w/in the next 2 days, and I can get it fixed before I have to leave for Houston. If not, it's really gonna suck. It's always something, but I never woulda guessed this...

FYI, in case you care,

about some minor stuff. I have always avoided using a mouse, cause I like the touch pad on my lap top, BUT, with the new Xactimate sketch program, I didn't really have a choice, SO, I bought another wireless (Logitech) mouse. I love it. Will probably never go back, to being mouseless. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks.

Gettin' cloudy here,

in Lafayette, LA, and is s'posed to start raining this evening, then get more windy and rainy the next couple o' days, as 'Ike' arrives to the south. Last time I was in Louisiana when a hurricane struck, was about this same time of year, as Rita hit. Feel much better about this one, as I am on the 3rd floor of a sturdy building, rather than a 31' 'tryler', on the edge of a swamp. Will never forget that night of 75 mph winds and 15" of rain. If Ike hits near Galveston/Houston, it should be some longterm work. Good news/bad news. Oh well, we'll see...

Happy Birthday Mom,

My mom has to be one of the healthiest, most vital 83 year old's you could ever meet. If it weren't for her bum hip, there would be no stopping her. Along with my dad, I am SO blessed with good genes. If I could be that healthy at that age I would be SO happy. BUT, they have taken much better care of themselves, than I have. Just smarter, I guess..