After hearing the Pubs last night,

I guess I'm gonna vote Repub, cuz they have the answers to all our problems. Mainly, they're gonna 'fix' the economy with jobs, LOTS of jobs. How? By cutting taxes, at the same time they're gonna throw tons of money at the military, to make the world fear us, again. And take out that twerp in No Korea, and Syria, and the jerks in Iran and get Russia and China to fall in line. WOW. They're gonna be miracle workers, doing all that as they cut taxes. Sorta like Sam Brownback(R) promised in Kansas, before he tried it and nearly bankrupted the state before reversing course. Plus, they're gonna fix immigration, by shipping out all the illegals, although they wouldn't even discuss OR vote on it in the Repub controlled House when it was time to act. And, they agree they're gonna kill Obamacare, (that a large majority of the people actually like), instead of fixing the problems with it.
Bottom line, same old shit from the Pubs, as they didn't learn ANYTHING last time, and are hoping the sheep fall for the same old lies. Which they probably will. And if they succeed, how much will the next Repub prez have to write, in checks that totalled FOUR TIMES the amount of gold in Ft Knox, as he left town, just to keep the economy from TOTALLY imploding. We just got the worst recession since the Big D. I just can't imagine WHO can swallow their BS? Oh yeah, the sheep......
BTW, some things I do agree with, are: Gotta change the 'anchor baby' policy, and free immigration to anyone with a relative. Should be based on merit. Although climate change is 'real', we shouldn't go it alone and hurt our economy with Draconian measures, We have enough gun laws, just enforce what we have instead of making new ones. Look closer at the Iran deal, or is it too late?


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