Whoa, the Pubs are pissed.....

cuz the Dept of Justice reaffirmed the fact that Hillary had every right to delete her 'personal' emails from her server, AND the server was legal. Now, it seems, the Pubs won't be able to go on an extended 'fishing expedition' like they did for over TWO YEARS with her hubby, in an effort to find SOMETHING to use against her, but I'm sure they won't give up, as they've convinced the sheep, (not hard) that it was all illegal and immoral. These are the same sheep who have 'no problem' with the Iraq war, based on easily provable LIES. The entire 'private server' fiasco is a joke, only a big deal to the sheep, as they desperately search for anything to derail her, as the Repubs/FOX (one and the same) seek to return to the 'scene of the crime', where they totally screwed up everything they touched.
No way it's gonna happen, unless the Pubs find a way to induce mass amnesia, and are able to erase the memories of the last Repub 'reign of error'. Ain't gonna happen, as we gradually emerge from the 'steaming pile' they left behind in 2008.
 If you REALLY believe Bush/Cheney got 'bad intel', just Google 'Mike Morell on Hardball', where Chris Matthews gets the former Bushie CIA guy to admit the truth, or any of MANY places you can Google, that give documented info that Rummy/Bush/Cheney KNEW they were lying to the American people. But the sheep don't do stuff like that. They just leave their heads firmly implanted and parrot the FOXLies.


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